Ilgai galvojau, ar kurti atskirą temą, ar kurti bendrą kaip senojoj nMo. Kadangi tai nėra šokiruojanti dabartinio wrestlerio mirtis (aka Benoit ar Guerrero), tai užvedu bendrą temą.
Taigi, labai netikėtai netekome naujausio Hall of Famerio, Ultimate Warrior. Jis nualpo eidamas link mašinos iš viešbučio is history. Mirties priežastys kol kas nėra skelbiamos.
Nebuvau jo fanas niekada ir netgi mažai pagarbos jam turėjau, nes mano nuomonė apie jį buvo suformuota iš jo bendraamžių, su kuriais jis yra dirbęs, o visi apie jį atsiliepė neigiamai. Tačiau džiugu, kad WWE suspėjo atitaisyt savo klaidas ir įtraukti jį į HOF kaip gyvą ir leido jam susitaikyt su daugybe jo haterių (Hoganu, Jake the Snake, Nash ir pan.). Gerai, kad žmogus iškeliavo on a high note. Pabaigai, paskutinis jo promo ever iš Raw, kuris po jo mirties tampa labai simboliškas.
"No WWE talent becomes a legend on their own. Every man's heart one day beats its final beat. His lungs breathe their final breath. And if what that man did in his life makes the blood pulse through the body of others and makes them believe deeper in something larger than life then his essence, his spirit, will be immortalized. By the story tellers, by the loyalty, by the memory of those who honor him and make the running the man did live forever. You, you, you, you, you, you are the legend makers of Ultimate Warrior. In the back I see many potential legends. Some of them with warrior spirits. And you will do the same for them. You will decide if they lived with the passion and intensity. So much so that you will tell your stories and you will make them legends, as well. I am Ultimate Warrior. You are the Ultimate Warrior fans. And the spirit of the Ultimate Warrior will run forever!"