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NME Pay-Per-View event'ų rezultatai

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  • Administratoriai
  • Pranešimai: 1638
  • Miestas:London

NME Night of Revenge 2008

1. Unknown Hardcore def. The Rosyz Brotherz in a Falls Count Anywhere match to become no.1 contenders for the NME Tag Team Championship
2. Sick Extreme (w/Kyo) def. Jason Clue (w/Susan Styles) in a Strecher match
3. Naciai © def. New Maniacs Union to retain the NME Tag Team Championship
4. Bottom, The Answer, Refresh and Scott Payne fought to a no contest in a Fatal Four Way match to the NME Intercontinental Championship
5. The Silencer © (w/St.Wallerio) and Impaler fought to a no contest in the NME World Heavyweight Championship with Marcus Jamison as a special guest referee.

NME Masters Of War I

1. Xnitro def. Impact
2. St. Wallerio def. Scott Payne, Jason Clue, Scarface, The Chain in the first Ultimate Chance For The Glance™ Ultimate X match to win the contract for NME Heavyweight championship match in the time of his choice
3. Mr. Hardcore def. Supper Stone in a Hardcore match
4. Naciai def. Crack'o'Mania & Sick-Kyo-Extreme in a Tables, Ladders & Chairs match to win the NME Tag Team championship
5. Marcus Jamison def. Bottom in a Last Man Standing match to win the NME Intercontinental Championship
6. Impaler def. The Silencer & Gerdas Shlangstaigeris to retain the NME Heawyweight Championship
7. The Silencer def. Impaler to win the NME World Heawyweight championship

NME Torch Of War 2008

1. Coolman & Marcus Ulivieri def. The Monstro in a 2 on 1 Handicap match to force The Monstro to leave the NME
2. Jonas Wallerio def. Impact in a Hardcore Streetfight
3. The PoPo def. KrontoR
4. The Silencer def. California Rose in a Falls Count Anywhere match
5. Impaler def. Bottom and Scarface in a Triple Threat Elimination match to retain the NME World Heavyweight Championship
*during the match, Bottom eliminated Scarface, but was Eliminated by Impaler. As a result, Bottom won the NME Intercontinental championship

NME All Out Assault 2008

1. Coolman def. The Monstro in a Steel Cage match
2. Narmonteto def. Ron Aquilani & Scarface in a Triple Threat Steel Cage match
3. Impaler def. Bottom in a Steel Cage match to win the first NME World Heavyweight Championship

Šį pranešimą redagavo Walleris: 2009-08-11, 13:31

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