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Šis forumas yra skirtas PW (profesionaliųjų imtynių) ir MMA (mišriųjų kovos menų) diskusijoms. Čia Jūs rasite naujienas iš WWE, TNA, UFC ir kitų organizacijų, naujausius rezultatus, įvairias nuotraukas, wrestler'ių biografijas, sporto totalizatorius, daug naudingų straipsnių ir, žinoma, bendraminčių, su kuriais galėsite bendrauti ir dalintis nuomonėmis. Taip pat, čia rasite įvairių failų - nuo dainų iki šviežiausių PW match'ų bei MMA kovų. New Maniacs Order - su Jumis nuo 2005 metų!
Jei esate nMo narys, tai prisijunkite čia, o jei ne, tada užsiregistruokite mūsų forume!
2007-10-20, 18:05
- WWE: Armageddon 2007: Some wars are fought over land, others over power, but
the most devastating wars are fought over championship gold. Triple H, Batista, Undertaker,
Rey Mysterio and all your favorites Superstars battle for glory and championships at WWE
Armageddon on Sunday, December 16th, live at 8pm ET/5pm PT, only on Pay-Per-View. A
World Wrestling Entertainment Production. Go to for more details.
2007-11-29, 22:08
2007-12-06, 15:52
- ROH: Undeniable: Passion, fury, honor…Nigel McGuinness has displayed these qualities
and many more inside the ring. Through it all, one career-defining title remains: ROH World
Champion. Standing in his way, the dominating presence of Takeshi Morishima. Will this finally
be Nigel's coronation? Or does his destiny lie somewhere beyond? Don't miss the explosive
action at the worldwide premiere of Ring of Honor: Undeniable; Premiering January 18, 2008.
2007-12-21, 14:27
- WWE: No Way Out 2008: Two miles of chain and ten tons of steel will surround WWE
Superstars as they fight for honor, glory and revenge in the Elimination Chamber. Don’t miss
Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, Jeff Hardy, Undertaker, Batista, Rey Mysterio, Randy
Orton, Edge and all your favorite Superstars at WWE No Way Out, Sunday, February 17th, live
at 8pm ET/5pm PT, only on Pay-Per-View. A World Wrestling Entertainment Production. Go
to for more details.
2008-01-09, 12:23
2008-01-29, 14:12
- WWE WrestleMania XXIV: WrestleMania 24, the biggest pay-per-view spectacular
of the year, invades the Citrus Bowl in Orlando, FL. Tune in to see John Cena, Triple H,
Chris Jericho, Randy Orton, Batista, Undertaker, Edge, Rey Mysterio, Ric Flair, Jeff Hardy,
Shawn Michaels, and all your favorite Superstars clash in epic battles. WrestleMania 24.
Sunday, March 30th, live at 7pm ET/4pm PT, only on Pay-Per-View. Available in HD. Go
to for more.
- TNA Destination X 2008: Are you afraid of heights? Are you scared of falling?
Over two stories high Over two tons in mass It is the ultimate test in TNA
Wrestling! Prepare yourself as Elevation X makes its return to Pay-per-View Who
will fall and who will stand tall? TNA Wrestling presents Destination X Live!
unday, March 9th on Pay-per-View
2008-03-04, 13:06
- WWE Backlash 2008: Dont miss Backlash, the fallout from WrestleMania 24.
Undertaker, John Cena, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, Jeff Hardy, Batista,
Rey Mysterio, Randy Orton, Edge and all your favorite Superstars seek revenge at
Backlash, Sunday, April 27th, live at 8pm ET/5pm PT, only on Pay-Per-View. Available
in HD. A World Wrestling Entertainment Production. Go to for more details.
2008-03-09, 13:48
- TNA Lockdown 2008: WARNING
.Viewer discretion is advised. Ive never, ever been
afraid of somebody in the ring -Don West. Without a doubt, the most dangerous kind of
match you can have in professional wrestling -Kurt Angle. Six sided of steel is dangerous,
anything can happen - Robert Roode. Hopefully you can find a way to make it out of there
alive -Samoa Joe. Theres a possibility your career is going to be over -Kaz. See Kurt Angle,
Sting, Booker T, Christina Cage, Samoa Joe and the stars of TNA battle inside the sadistic six
sided steel cage live from Lowell, MA. TNA presents Lockdown LIVE! April 13th on Pay-per
view. TNA Wrestling ..Cross the line!
2008-03-22, 16:44
Pradedu shikt, kad nebutu BS main event'e:)
Na to gal ir ishvengsim, bet kad vel Undertaker laimejima nustums i pirma dali, tai shudas..
O galetu pvz toki reikala padaryt, kad Underio kova butu paskutine - taip visi matcho metu itiketu, kad taip norima sureikshmint Edge pergale, ir Edge matchui pridetu itikinamumo, ko dbr labai truksta..
Na to gal ir ishvengsim, bet kad vel Undertaker laimejima nustums i pirma dali, tai shudas..
O galetu pvz toki reikala padaryt, kad Underio kova butu paskutine - taip visi matcho metu itiketu, kad taip norima sureikshmint Edge pergale, ir Edge matchui pridetu itikinamumo, ko dbr labai truksta..
2008-03-22, 17:11
Suprantu tavo nerima, ypac kai jau turime precedenta su WrestleMania XI (Lawrence Taylor vs. Bam Bam Bigelow) Bet nemanau, kad WWE daris ta klaida dar karta - tikiu, kad jei galutnai bus nuspresta, jog Randy numeta jam dirza, tai Trips neatsisakis malonumo pasiimti vakaro headliner'io vieta. Pats gi irgi noreciau matyti Undertaker pergale, uzdaranti PPV su 16-0.
2008-03-22, 17:26
Arba Edge:P
As matau viena buda, kaip Edge galetu laimeti, ir dar jam WWE turi kelia.
1. Kaip jau minejau - card'o virshuje butinai matchas.
2. Ir per sekanti SD, tik dar ziauriai, Edge "atkala" Underi. Kad butu kaip Ortono dirzho laimejimas is HHH. Tai suteiktu Edge'ui dar labiau ta "piranijos" ivaizdi, kuri taip jam lipdo Cole.
Jo, apie precedenta as butent ir galvojau, tik nepaminiau kurioj WM buvo tixliai.
As matau viena buda, kaip Edge galetu laimeti, ir dar jam WWE turi kelia.
1. Kaip jau minejau - card'o virshuje butinai matchas.
2. Ir per sekanti SD, tik dar ziauriai, Edge "atkala" Underi. Kad butu kaip Ortono dirzho laimejimas is HHH. Tai suteiktu Edge'ui dar labiau ta "piranijos" ivaizdi, kuri taip jam lipdo Cole.
Jo, apie precedenta as butent ir galvojau, tik nepaminiau kurioj WM buvo tixliai.
2008-04-02, 06:30
- WWE Judgment Day 2008: Judgment Day is upon us. Dont miss Triple H, John
Cena, Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, Undertaker, Batista, and all your favorite Superstars
as they face the consequences of their actions at Judgment Day, Sunday, May 18th live at
8pm ET/5pm PT, only on Pay-Per-View. A World Wrestling Entertainment Production.
Available in HD. Go to for more details.
- TNA Sacrifice 2008: What are you willing to Sacrifice? To achieve greatness
in this world, one must sacrifice body and soul. Totally Unconditionally Every
single moment of every single day. Are you willing to give up what means the
most? TNA "Sacrifice" Live! Sunday May 11th on Pay-Per-View. TNA WRESTLING
--cross the line!
2008-04-02, 20:30
WWE's poster is like gazillion times awesomer.
Bet jei rimtai,tai TNA atrodo grynai,kaip koks fanu darbas,o ne tikras posteris.
Bet jei rimtai,tai TNA atrodo grynai,kaip koks fanu darbas,o ne tikras posteris.
Nenusiimsiu sito paraso, kol:
1. Hulk Hogan netaps TNA world champu
2. David Arquette netaps grand slam champu
3. Chris Masters netaps NPJW world champu
4. CM Punk prades gert Coca-Cola
5. Shawn Michaels grys i pro-wrestling'a
6. Triple H surinks daugiau world title reign'u nei Ric Flair
And I mean it
1. Hulk Hogan netaps TNA world champu
2. David Arquette netaps grand slam champu
3. Chris Masters netaps NPJW world champu
4. CM Punk prades gert Coca-Cola
5. Shawn Michaels grys i pro-wrestling'a
6. Triple H surinks daugiau world title reign'u nei Ric Flair
And I mean it
2008-04-04, 13:17
Na kaip jie ten video sumontuoja tiesioginame etery, tai as vistiek neivaziuoju. Juk nufilmuota medziaga dar reikia perkelti i PC ir ten montuoti. O tas video prasideda iskart po Takerio pergales ir jau jame ant galo yra iskarpos is Edge/Taker match'o ir net kaip Takeris celebratina. Manau iskarto suplanuoja zmones, kas kokia dali montuos, bet vistiek turi dirbti labai jau mikliai ir turbut turi auksciausias technologijas, kad taip greitai filmuota medziaga permeta i kompa ir po to paleidzia ta video. Labai operatyvus darbas.
2008-04-05, 13:37
Na stebejimosi dalimi "permesti i kompa" as visiskai nesuprantu. Visa vaizda jie jau tiesiai gali ziureti per kompa, ir realiu laiku irasineti WM *.avi formatu. Paskuj beziurint nutaria kad kokios nors dalies reikia - ja iskerpa, ir greitai prideda.
Yra zinoma, kokio ilgio turi buti video, suplanuoja, po kiek sekundziu bus skirta kiekvienam matchui, ir beziuredami matcha jie ji karpo.
Zymiai labiau turetu stebinti, tokie dalykai kaip tame video Cenos nubegimas, kur bugnai groja, ir jis itaikytas i muzika. Taciau manau tai irgi suplanuota vieta jau.
Greiciausiai atsirades vaizdas - su 3 minuciu uzdelsimu, Takerio triumfas. No big deal, IMO. T.y. nereikia buti dideliu techniniu specialistu. Big deal yra tas (tie), kurie sumasto kur ka deti is anksto (Flairui - muzika atskira, HBK perspausta vieta "I'm sorry", Cenos nubegimas, "my game plan - to be the man", HHH ratu filmavimas matantis fejerverkams ir pan).
Yra zinoma, kokio ilgio turi buti video, suplanuoja, po kiek sekundziu bus skirta kiekvienam matchui, ir beziuredami matcha jie ji karpo.
Zymiai labiau turetu stebinti, tokie dalykai kaip tame video Cenos nubegimas, kur bugnai groja, ir jis itaikytas i muzika. Taciau manau tai irgi suplanuota vieta jau.
Greiciausiai atsirades vaizdas - su 3 minuciu uzdelsimu, Takerio triumfas. No big deal, IMO. T.y. nereikia buti dideliu techniniu specialistu. Big deal yra tas (tie), kurie sumasto kur ka deti is anksto (Flairui - muzika atskira, HBK perspausta vieta "I'm sorry", Cenos nubegimas, "my game plan - to be the man", HHH ratu filmavimas matantis fejerverkams ir pan).
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