Sveiki atvykę į - seniausią pro-wrestling'o forumą Lietuvoje!
Šis forumas yra skirtas PW (profesionaliųjų imtynių) ir MMA (mišriųjų kovos menų) diskusijoms. Čia Jūs rasite naujienas iš WWE, TNA, UFC ir kitų organizacijų, naujausius rezultatus, įvairias nuotraukas, wrestler'ių biografijas, sporto totalizatorius, daug naudingų straipsnių ir, žinoma, bendraminčių, su kuriais galėsite bendrauti ir dalintis nuomonėmis. Taip pat, čia rasite įvairių failų - nuo dainų iki šviežiausių PW match'ų bei MMA kovų. New Maniacs Order - su Jumis nuo 2005 metų!
Jei esate nMo narys, tai prisijunkite čia, o jei ne, tada užsiregistruokite mūsų forume!
2006-10-18, 11:59
2006-10-18, 19:29
A confirmation email has been sent to the address you specified ( They need to read and respond to this email before they can use their account. If they don't do this, the new account will be deleted automatically after a few days. Click HERE to invite someone else.
Sekmes naudotis,tik zek seedink
1. Hulk Hogan netaps TNA world champu
2. David Arquette netaps grand slam champu
3. Chris Masters netaps NPJW world champu
4. CM Punk prades gert Coca-Cola
5. Shawn Michaels grys i pro-wrestling'a
6. Triple H surinks daugiau world title reign'u nei Ric Flair
And I mean it
2006-10-18, 20:17
1. Hulk Hogan netaps TNA world champu
2. David Arquette netaps grand slam champu
3. Chris Masters netaps NPJW world champu
4. CM Punk prades gert Coca-Cola
5. Shawn Michaels grys i pro-wrestling'a
6. Triple H surinks daugiau world title reign'u nei Ric Flair
And I mean it
2006-10-19, 17:47
Nu bet ne tame esme,db LM nekrauna saito kazko,kai veiks ishsiusiu abiem jei dar nebus nueme tu invitu ;D .
EDIT:Sent to both
1. Hulk Hogan netaps TNA world champu
2. David Arquette netaps grand slam champu
3. Chris Masters netaps NPJW world champu
4. CM Punk prades gert Coca-Cola
5. Shawn Michaels grys i pro-wrestling'a
6. Triple H surinks daugiau world title reign'u nei Ric Flair
And I mean it
2006-10-19, 19:36
1. Hulk Hogan netaps TNA world champu
2. David Arquette netaps grand slam champu
3. Chris Masters netaps NPJW world champu
4. CM Punk prades gert Coca-Cola
5. Shawn Michaels grys i pro-wrestling'a
6. Triple H surinks daugiau world title reign'u nei Ric Flair
And I mean it
2006-10-20, 20:17
MarkaL, Oct 18 2006, 06:29 PM, pasakė:
A confirmation email has been sent to the address you specified ( They need to read and respond to this email before they can use their account. If they don't do this, the new account will be deleted automatically after a few days. Click HERE to invite someone else.
Sekmes naudotis,tik zek seedink
Labai aciu, tegyvuoja lietuviski torrentai
2006-10-20, 21:17
1. Hulk Hogan netaps TNA world champu
2. David Arquette netaps grand slam champu
3. Chris Masters netaps NPJW world champu
4. CM Punk prades gert Coca-Cola
5. Shawn Michaels grys i pro-wrestling'a
6. Triple H surinks daugiau world title reign'u nei Ric Flair
And I mean it
2006-10-22, 20:37
1. Hulk Hogan netaps TNA world champu
2. David Arquette netaps grand slam champu
3. Chris Masters netaps NPJW world champu
4. CM Punk prades gert Coca-Cola
5. Shawn Michaels grys i pro-wrestling'a
6. Triple H surinks daugiau world title reign'u nei Ric Flair
And I mean it
2007-03-03, 10:41
Taip,kad greit gaut invito tau nepavyks .
1. Hulk Hogan netaps TNA world champu
2. David Arquette netaps grand slam champu
3. Chris Masters netaps NPJW world champu
4. CM Punk prades gert Coca-Cola
5. Shawn Michaels grys i pro-wrestling'a
6. Triple H surinks daugiau world title reign'u nei Ric Flair
And I mean it
2007-03-13, 21:51
Edit:nepastebjau Grappler emailo is pradziu,ishsiunciau jau ir jam.
1. Hulk Hogan netaps TNA world champu
2. David Arquette netaps grand slam champu
3. Chris Masters netaps NPJW world champu
4. CM Punk prades gert Coca-Cola
5. Shawn Michaels grys i pro-wrestling'a
6. Triple H surinks daugiau world title reign'u nei Ric Flair
And I mean it
2007-03-14, 19:47
P.S. I LM katik idejo WrestleMania pack 1-18
1. Hulk Hogan netaps TNA world champu
2. David Arquette netaps grand slam champu
3. Chris Masters netaps NPJW world champu
4. CM Punk prades gert Coca-Cola
5. Shawn Michaels grys i pro-wrestling'a
6. Triple H surinks daugiau world title reign'u nei Ric Flair
And I mean it
2007-03-14, 20:02
MarkaL, Mar 14 2007, 07:47 PM, pasakė:
P.S. I LM katik idejo WrestleMania pack 1-18
O WM Packas, gal ir idomu Gaila man is Lietuvos greiciau nesiuncia. Atsiusk ir man jei dar turi ir negaila, ana syki isdeletine'o, turbut del neaktyvumo, nors gal tik kokia savaite nieko nesisiunciau 300 tasku pervesiu
2007-03-14, 20:19
P.S. Jei pas kuri nors bus blogas ratio tai primusiu .
1. Hulk Hogan netaps TNA world champu
2. David Arquette netaps grand slam champu
3. Chris Masters netaps NPJW world champu
4. CM Punk prades gert Coca-Cola
5. Shawn Michaels grys i pro-wrestling'a
6. Triple H surinks daugiau world title reign'u nei Ric Flair
And I mean it
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