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2009-03-13, 15:16
- Sios savaites ECW reitingas-1.34
- Pagal WWE house show card'us Batista i ringa turetu sugrizti geguzes menesi.
- TNA atsauke savo event'a Puerto Rike,kuris turejo ivykti kovo 20 diena.
- Sios savaites Billboard Recreational Sports DVD pardavimu top'as:
Spoiler'is - WWE ketina isleisti Jimmy Snukos DVD “Superfly: The Jimmy Snuka Story” balandzio 14d.
- Jim Ross savo bloge uzsimine,kad WWE ketina isleisti DVD “Rise and Fall of WCW” kuriam jis turetu atlikineti interviu.
- ROH siandien Kovo 13d. surengs event'a St. Louis'e kuriame savo debiuta kompanijoje turetu padaryti Ric Flair.
- Pasklido gandas,kad realiausias kandidatas surengti Wrestlemania 27-Indianapolis.
- Lita pareiske,kad vis del to ji nedalyvaus Wrestlemania 25 renginyje.
- Pasklido gandas,jog Chris Jericho ir Kelly Kelly siuo metu susitikineja.
2009-03-14, 12:22
- Dar viena tragedija wrestlingo pasaulyje-Andrew "Test" Martin rastas negyvas savo namuose Floridoje.Buvusiai WWE zvaigzdei po 4 dienu butu sukake 34 metai.Mirties detales kolkas neatskleidziamos.
- Sios savaites TNA iMPACT! reitingas yra 1.2
- ROH spoiler:
Spoiler'is - Atsinaujino Wrestlemania 25 card'as:
Spoiler'is - Sklando gandai,kad Mae Young gali pasirodyti per WM 25
- Galimas variantas,kad Big Show bus nudraftintas i RAW.
Šį pranešimą redagavo Duncan: 2009-03-14, 13:41
2009-03-14, 16:41
Ne į temą | Sorry už tokias emocijas, bet negaliu susitaikyt su ta mintim. Primena laikus kai Benoit nusižudė... |
Šį pranešimą redagavo `MalioK`: 2009-03-17, 20:48
+ 20% uz 11 taisykles pazeidima. Keiktis ir linketi amzino atilsio zmogui viename poste - labai grazu.
2009-03-14, 17:19
XxX Unbroken XxX, 2009-03-14, 16:41, pasakė:
Ne į temą | Sorry už tokias emocijas, bet negaliu susitaikyt su ta mintim. Primena laikus kai Benoit nusižudė... |
Na, juk dar 100% neaisku nuo ko jam taip atsitiko. Seip tokiu atveju, kad zmogus mirtu grynai nuo steroidu pasitaiko gana retai. Vienaip ar kitaip turetum pykt ne ant steroidu, o ant paties Test, kad juos vartojo.
2009-03-14, 20:32
2009-03-15, 04:16
T-N-Z, 2009-03-14, 21:18, pasakė:
to parasyta nebuvo , jis tik planavo vaziuoti i europa , ir pasakojo savo nuotikiu japonijoje
Ne į temą | Man sitas blogas nepanasus i officialu tik 900Friends,nors gal. |
2009-03-15, 10:25
Štai ką Jim Ross savo bloge parašė apie Andrew Martin mirtį:
I hired Andrew in the same class with his other fellow Canadians Edge and Christian in the late 90's in an outstanding group of young talent whose advanced training was over seen by future WWE Hall of Famer Dory Funk and by Tom Prichard.
Andrew left WWE over two years ago and had wrestled off and on, briefly in TNA, and also on the independent circuit primarily on international tours. I spoke at length with Andrew, as did my wife, last year in Orlando at Wrestlemania 24 and he seemed very happy and looked to be healthy and in great physical condition. He spoke of his real estate endeavors and the fact that he was strongly considering going back to school and becoming accredited as a physical therapist. Andrew had done well in WWE, saved his money, made some good investments, and told me he only wanted to wrestle when "he wanted to" which the randomly scheduled international tours would allow him to do. He did not express interest in the American indy scene and was genuinely excited about the prospects of the aforementioned physical therapy career.
Andrew had always told me that he never wanted to wrestle past the age of 35 which was why he "listened to the lectures" as he told me with a smile that sunny day in Orlando in WWE's headquarter hotel. I honestly had never seen him happier.
Late last summer, reacting on the suggestion of others, WWE reached out to Andrew to ask if he needed some help handling some alleged personal issues that he was rumored to have been experiencing. Andrew had been gone from WWE for over two years but had remained friends with many still associated with WWE. The rumors of Andrew's issues were true and he was afforded the opportunity by WWE to attend The Hanley Center Rehabilitation facility in West Palm Beach, Florida for several weeks beginning in August of 2008. Andrew successfully completed the WWE funded program and was highly regarded by the Hanley Center with being such an asset to them after completing the program of which Andrew took seriously, according to the facility. Since being released from the facility after successfully completing the program, Andrew had been doing well in his 12 Step AA program and was in contact with WWE with regular phone calls. Ironically, Friday was the day for his regularly scheduled "touching base" but when called his voice mail box was full.
I was not aware that Andrew was having problems and did not know of is rehab stint until recently. Test, a name provided Martin after he portrayed a security person who tested the band Motley Crue's mic with the obligatory, 'test...test...test," always seemed to be a bright young man who knew what he wanted in life and was seemingly looking forward to his future and getting an education in physical therapy.
It is comforting to know that Andrew was receiving support from WWE and it was also encouraging to know that he was seemingly on the road to recovery in the past several months. The exact cause of Andrew's death won't be determined for a few days after the results of an autopsy have been released.
I will remember this young man as a bright, intelligent individual and am thankful that my last conversation with him was so positive and that he was excited about his future in a new field. Our sincere condolences go out to his family, friends, and fans and may God rest his soul.
Eric Bischoff ir Kevin Nash komentarai apie Test'ą:
Here's what Bischoff said about Test, who Bischoff knew from his professional wrestling days.
"Being only 33 years old, it's another unfortunate incident. He obviously had challenges with addiction.
"We were friendly, (but) he had a different group of friends as we had an age difference. I did spend a fair amount of time with him (overseas trips, etc.). He was always first-class, very cordial and a polite, professional guy.
"I never saw any evidence of substance abuse until about a year and a half ago. All the time before that he was always sober and professional."
Bischoff also spoke on a few other items.
On another season of Hulk Hogan's Celebrity Championship Wrestling: "We're still in negotiations."
On Hulk Hogan: Bischoff confirmed Hogan's recent back surgery (if anyone is wondering if that didn't really happen). "(Hogan) is doing great. On a personal level, he's healthier and happier than he's been in the last 15 years."
Here's what Nash said about Test:
"We were really close. I helped him get into rehab. WWE picked up the dollar and helped him through rehab. Andrew went in. He was doing really well, making his meetings.
"He went over and worked in Japan (recently). He was in that not as busy as you once were routine. We don't know the cause of death, and I would hate to speculate.
"The combination of muscle relaxers and pain pills are lethal.
"He was a great guy. I kind of looked at him like a little brother. I considered him one of my better friends.
"He was a big guy. He was a bud."
Nash said Test was in his top 10 list of friends, and that he would now need to move someone else onto that list.
Nash also spoke on his current health (mainly, his elbow):
"It's a slow process. It's getting better every week. The doctor thinks I will be ready for the pay-per-view (TNA's April 19 Lockdown event). With or without the doctor's clearance, I will be there."
JAWBreaker's thoughts on Test: I will always remember Test as a guy with unlimited wrestling potential, mainly due to his size, height and look. I don't think he ever achieved that potential, but that wasn't his entire fault. Wrestling politics played a role. I think subpar verbal skills hurt him. However, he was a strong heel and was entertaining -- that should have overruled everything else. Sadly, it didn't. My condolences to Test's family and friends -- he seemed like a funny guy when he had that run with his fans calling them his Test-icles. Rest in peace, Test.
2009-03-15, 12:49
- Neseniai duotame interviu Bobby Lashley teige,kad nemano jog narkotiku vartojimas tarp wrestleriu dabar yra paplites,nes siuo metu yra daroma daugybe testu kurie atbaido wrestlerius nuo vartojimo.
- Galutinis TNA Destination X card'as:
Spoiler'is - Vakar John Cena pasirode NBC's Saturday Night Live laidoje.
- Vis dar neaisku del Tomko ateities WWE.Paskutinis jo pasirodymas WWE buvo dark match'as pries Paul Burchill 2008 metu gruodi.Kiek veliau paaiskejo,kad Tomko tame matche wrestlino traumuotas ir jam reikia operacijos.
- Kitos savaites Smackdown epizodas bus 500-asis.
- Santino Marellai katik sukako 30 metu.
2009-03-15, 21:05
Duncan, 2009-03-15, 12:49, pasakė:
- Neseniai duotame interviu Bobby Lashley teige,kad nemano jog narkotiku vartojimas tarp wrestleriu dabar yra paplites,nes siuo metu yra daroma daugybe testu kurie atbaido wrestlerius nuo vartojimo.
- Vakar John Cena pasirode NBC's Saturday Night Live laidoje.
- Vis dar neaisku del Tomko ateities WWE.Paskutinis jo pasirodymas WWE buvo dark match'as pries Paul Burchill 2008 metu gruodi.Kiek veliau paaiskejo,kad Tomko tame matche wrestlino traumuotas ir jam reikia operacijos.
- Kitos savaites Smackdown epizodas bus 500-asis.
- Santino Marellai katik sukako 30 metu.
-Jis vaidino apsaugini, kuris gavo i "smakra"
-Tomko, atrodo, WWE nebera, nes nutekejusiame scenarijuje jis nefiguruoja net suzeistuju sarasuose. Nors wiki raso ir kitaip, bet elementari logika siulo mastyti apie tai, kad jis nebuvo paimtas ilgalaikiui kontraktui, ir tiesiog buvo nepasiulytas didesnis.
-Simboliska, taciau Santino, zengdamas i savo 4 desimtmeti atrodo izengs prarasdamas savo visa momentum kuri turejo - jo nebematome tiek daug, kiek seniau..
fanatix, 2009-03-15, 16:49, pasakė:
Pridedant papildoma naujiena: atrodo Rey susizeide kairi keli per House Show. Tai tik zmoniu, maciusiu ivyki duomenys - gali buti, kad tai klaidinga informacija, kaip ir Umagos atveju. Taciau jei tai pasitvirtins, tai Rey negales dalyvauti WM25, o tai reiskia, kad antrus metus is eiles jam labai nepasiseks..
2009-03-15, 21:30
Fortaz, 2009-03-15, 21:05, pasakė:
Šį pranešimą redagavo Duncan: 2009-03-15, 21:30
2009-03-15, 21:36
Fortaz, 2009-03-15, 21:05, pasakė:
Pridedant papildoma naujiena: atrodo Rey susizeide kairi keli per House Show. Tai tik zmoniu, maciusiu ivyki duomenys - gali buti, kad tai klaidinga informacija, kaip ir Umagos atveju. Taciau jei tai pasitvirtins, tai Rey negales dalyvauti WM25, o tai reiskia, kad antrus metus is eiles jam labai nepasiseks..
2. Trecius WM23 jis taip pat del traumos praleido. Gales WM XXVI build-up'e Rey sakyti, jog pakartos savo WM pergaliu serija - nes paskutineje WM, kurioje dalyvavo (22), jis laimejo world titula
EDIT: Sorry, kai rasiau sia zinute, Duncan dar nebuvo parases del Rey.
Šį pranešimą redagavo Walleris: 2009-03-15, 21:36
2009-03-16, 13:34
Akivaizdu, kad nematei pacio scenarijaus, nes manai, kad ten vien Raw talentas minimas.
Taigi, jau koki penkta karta sakau - pirmiau apsisviesk, o po to klausinek "Kas tave vercia manyti, kad jis turetu buti Raw rosteryje" - nes tie, kas pries rasydami skaito, taip ir nemano
2009-03-16, 14:31
Ne į temą | Fortaz, 2009-03-16, 13:34, pasakė: Ex, tas beviltiskas noras, bent kaip prisikabinti prie mano zodziu.. Akivaizdu, kad nematei pacio scenarijaus, nes manai, kad ten vien Raw talentas minimas. Taigi, jau koki penkta karta sakau - pirmiau apsisviesk, o po to klausinek "Kas tave vercia manyti, kad jis turetu buti Raw rosteryje" - nes tie, kas pries rasydami skaito, taip ir nemano |
2009-03-16, 18:53
Siaip galejo buti irasytas Batistos stiliumi, galejo buti prie Miscellaneous, galbut prie Transactions - bet esme, kad jo niekur nera.
Pasikartosiu, manau, kad jis susijes su WWE tebuvo appereance lygmenyse - kaip koks pvz Flair.
Tik Tomko atveju tai buvo vos ne try-out matchas, kuri gauna nemazai naujai ateinanciu zmoniu.
Pastarojo (Flair'o), berods, irgi niekur nepamineta, taciau jis pasirode Raw.
2009-03-16, 20:22
- Jim Ross sestadieni buvo nugabentas i ligonine del krutines skausmu.Jis mane,kad,tai del to jog jis treniravosi gym'e,bet jam buvo diagnozuotas plauciu uzdegimas.Visgi nepaisant to jis suspes laiku atsigauti ir pasirodys sekanciame Smackdown'e.
- Lance Storm apie Test'o mirti:
Spoiler'is - ROH ateinanti sestadieni Kovo 21d. padarys savo savaitiniu show debiuta per HDNet,jame bus sie match'ai:
Spoiler'is - Kol pirmasis ROH savaitinis show bus rodomas,ROH rengs savo 7-eriu metu gyvavimo show,kuriame bus sie match'ai:
Spoiler'is - Sekantis Ric Flair ROH pasirodymas turetu ivykti Liepos 26d. per event'a Detroite.
- Randy Orton vs HHH match'as per WM 25 greiciausiai taps No Disqualification
- Ashley Massaro katik pailde savo blog'a kuriame raso apie Test ir savo galima pasirodyma per WM 25:
Ne į temą | Atsiprasau,kad neimeciau jokiu TNA naujienu,nes dar nepaziurejau Destination X |
2009-03-17, 19:47
- Patvirtinti Šios savatitės ECW match'ai,bei kiti ivykiai
Spoiler'is - (Raw spoiler) Spoiler'is
- Buvusi WWE diva Debra susikūre savo MySpace puslapį.Jei norite užeiti spustelėkite ČIA.
- (Raw spoiler) Spoiler'is
- patvirtino,kad The Von Erichs įtraukti į 2009 HOF'amerių Pagergimo Ceremoniją.
Rocky Balboa - The Best there ever was, the best there ever will be!!!
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