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Šis forumas yra skirtas PW (profesionaliųjų imtynių) ir MMA (mišriųjų kovos menų) diskusijoms. Čia Jūs rasite naujienas iš WWE, TNA, UFC ir kitų organizacijų, naujausius rezultatus, įvairias nuotraukas, wrestler'ių biografijas, sporto totalizatorius, daug naudingų straipsnių ir, žinoma, bendraminčių, su kuriais galėsite bendrauti ir dalintis nuomonėmis. Taip pat, čia rasite įvairių failų - nuo dainų iki šviežiausių PW match'ų bei MMA kovų. New Maniacs Order - su Jumis nuo 2005 metų!

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Wrestler'iu info saitui

Temoje atsakymų: 31


    nMo Legend

  • nMo Hall of Fame
  • Pranešimai: 1908
Cia noreciau, kad butu dedami wrestleriu aprasymai. Neapsirikite, cia nera ta tema i kuria yra dedamos tos dideles wreslteriu biografijos su visa ju praeitimi ir t.t. Cia dedam tik tie nedideli wrestleriu aprasyma.

William Regal


Tikras vardas: Darren Mathews
Ūgis: 187.96cm
Svoris: 111.1kg
Gimimo diena: 1965, Gegužės 10d.
Kilmė: Blackpool, England
Finisher: The Regal Stretch
The Power Of The Punch
Titulai: WWE World Tag-Team Champion (4)
WWE Intercontinental Champion
WWE European Champion (4)
WWE Hardcore Champion (5)
WCW Television Champion (4)
MCW Southern Champion



Tikras vardas: Mark Calloway
Ūgis: 208.28cm
Svoris: 148.7kg
Gimimo diena: 1962, Kovo 24d.
Kilmė: Houston, Texas
Finisher: Last Ride Power Bomb
Tombstone Piledriver
Titulai: WWE Undisputed Champion
WWE Champion (4)
WWE World Champion
WWE Tag-Team Champion (6)
WWE Hardcore Champion
WCW Tag Team Champion
USWA Unified Champion
USWA Texas Champion

Siaim, kartui tik tiek. siaip raginciau visus prisideti prie saito kurimo ir parasyti bent tiek apie wrestlerius.


    The King of Hearts

  • nMo nariai
  • Pranešimai: 1612


Tikras vardas: Steve Williams
Ūgis: 1.82 m
Svoris: 114 kg
Gimęs: 1964/12/18
Kilmė: Victoria, Texas
Finisheris: Million Dollar Dream, Stone Cold Stunner
Titulai: TWF Tag-Team Champion w/ the California Stud (11/10/90 - 5/91)
- WCW World Television Champion (6/03/91 - 4/27/92)
- WCW World Television Champion(2) (5/23/92 - 9/02/92)
- WCW World Tag-Team Champion w/ Brian Pillman (3/02/93 - 8/18/93)
- NWA World Tag-Team Champion w/ Brian Pillman (3/02/93 - 8/18/93)
- WCW United States Heavyweight Champion (12/27/93 - 8/24/94)
- WCW United States Heavyweight Champion(2) (9/18/94)
- WWF World Tag-Team Champion w/ Shawn Michaels (5/25/97 - 6/97)
- WWF World Tag-Team Champion(2) w/ Dude Love (7/14/97 - 9/07/97)
- WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion (8/03/97 - 9/08/97)
- WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion(2) (11/09/97 - 12/08/97)
- WWF World Heavyweight Champion (3/29/98 - 6/28/98 )
- WWF World Heavyweight Champion(2) (6/29/98 - 9/27/98 )
- WWF World Tag-Team Champion(3) w/ the Undertaker (7/26/98 - 8/10/98 )
- WWF World Heavyweight Champion(3) (3/28/99 - 5/23/99)
- WWF World Heavyweight Champion(4) (6/28/99 - 8/22/99)
- WWF World Heavyweight Champion(5) (4/01/01 - 9/23/01)
- WWF World Tag-Team Champion(4) w/ Hunter Hearst Helmsley (4/29/01 - 5/21/01)
- WWF World Heavyweight Champion(6) (10/08/01 - 12/09/01)



Tikras vardas: Andre Renae Rousimoff
Ūgis: 2.28 m
Svoris: 238 kg
Gimęs: 1946/05/19
Kilmė: Grunoble, Prancūzija
Finisheris: Chokeslam
Titulai: - IWA World Tag-Team Champion w/ Michael Nador (1/18/70 - 2/03/70)
- NWA Australasian Tag-Team Champion w/ Ron Miller (12/08/78 - 12/78 )
- NWA Tri-State United States Tag-Team Champion w/ Dusty Rhodes (12/25/78 - 1/79)
- NWA Florida Tag-Team Champion w/ Dusty Rhodes (2/15/81 - 81)
- WWF World Heavyweight Champion (2/05/88 )
- WWF World Tag-Team Champion w/ Haku (12/13/89 - 4/01/90)



Tikras vardas: Kurt Angle
Ūgis: 1.85 m
Svoris: 105 kg
Gimė: 1968/12/09
Kilmė: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Finisheris: Olympic(Angle) Slam, Ankle Lock
Titulai: - PPW Heavyweight Champion (7/24/99 - 8/07/99)
- WWF European Heavyweight Champion (2/08/00 - 4/02/00)
- WWF Intercontinental Champion (2/27/00 - 4/02/00)
- WWF World Heavyweight Champion (10/22/00 - 2/25/01)
- WCW World Heavyweight Champion (7/24/01 - 7/30/01)
- WWF Hardcore Champion (9/10/01)
- WWF World Heavyweight Champion(2) (9/23/01 - 10/08/01)
- WCW United States Heavyweight Champion (10/22/01 - 11/12/01)
- WWE Smackdown World Tag-Team Champion w/ Chris Benoit (10/20/02 - 11/05/02)
- WWE Smackdown World Heavyweight Champion(3) (12/15/02 - 3/30/03)
- WWE Smackdown World Heavyweight Champion(4) (7/27/03 - 9/16/03)

Dabar turiu eit, kitas veliau parasysiu




    Rudas diržas

  • nMo nariai
  • Pranešimai: 2893
  • Miestas:Vilnius
ai tiek to imesiu sita nesamone ;) ttp:// <kiek tik nori bio
Shawn Michaels
svoris: 217 lbs
tikrasis vardas: Michael Shawn Hickenbottom
gimimo vieta:Scottsdale, Arizona
nickai:"Heartbreak Kid" (WWF)
wrestlina nuo: 1984
finisher:Sweet Chin Music
vieta PWI rankings: #9
ankstesnes PWI vietos: #32(2003), #49(1998), #18(1997), #1(1996), #2(1995), #5(1994), #3(1993), #16(1992), #37(1991)
Title history:
- SCW Southwest Tag-Team Champion w/ Paul Diamond (9/01/85 - 9/29/85)
- SCW Southwest Tag-Team Champion(2) w/ Paul Diamond (11/17/85 - 1/27/86)
- NWA Central States Tag-Team Champion w/ Marty Jannetty (5/15/86 - 5/22/86)
- AWA World Tag-Team Champion w/ Marty Jannetty (1/27/87 - 5/25/87)
- AWA Southern Tag-Team Champion w/ Marty Jannetty (10/26/87 - 11/16/87)
- AWA Southern Tag-Team Champion(2) w/ Marty Jannetty (11/22/87 - 12/27/87)
- AWA World Tag-Team Champion(2) w/ Marty Jannetty (12/27/87 - 3/19/88)
- WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion (10/27/92 - 5/17/93)
- WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion(2) (6/06/93 - 9/93)
- WWF World Tag-Team Champion w/ Diesel (8/28/94 - 11/94)
- WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion(3) (7/23/95 - 10/22/95)
- WWF World Tag-Team Champion(2) w/ Diesel (9/24/95 - 9/25/95)
- WWF World Heavyweight Champion (3/31/96 - 11/17/96)
- WWF World Heavyweight Champion(2) (1/19/97 - 2/13/97)
- WWF World Tag-Team Champion(3) (5/26/97 - 6/97)
- WWF European Heavyweight Champion (9/20/97 - 12/11/97)
- WWF World Heavyweight Champion(3) (11/09/97 - 3/29/98)
- TWA Heavyweight Champion (3/21/00 - 4/04/00)
- WWE Raw World Heavyweight Champion (11/17/02 - 12/15/02)

Shelton Benjamin
ugis: 6'2"
svoris:245 lbs
gimimo vieta:Minneapolis, Minnesota
nickai:"Mr. Benjamin"(WWE)
tikrasis vardas:Shelton Benjamin
wrestlina nuo:2000
finsher:Shell Shocka, Shell Bomb, Exploder Powerslam
PWI: #16 (2004)
PWI anksciau: #16
title history:
- OVW Southern Tag-Team Champion w/ Brock Lesnar (2/13/01 - 4/22/01)
- OVW Southern Tag-Team Champion(2) w/ Brock Lesnar (5/15/01 - 7/14/01)
- OVW Southern Tag-Team Champion(3) w/ Brock Lesnar (10/29/01 - 11/07/01)
- OVW Southern Tag-Team Champion(4) w/ Redd Dogg (7/17/02 - 10/02/02)
- WWE Smackdown World Tag-Team Champion w/ Charlie Haas (2/04/03 - 5/18/03)
- WWE Smackdown World Tag-Team Champion(2) w/ Charlie Haas (7/01/03 - 9/16/03)
- WWE Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion (10/19/04 - 6/20/05)





    The King of Hearts

  • nMo nariai
  • Pranešimai: 1612
Skorpio as is ten pat imu ;)




    Žalias diržas

  • nMo nariai
  • Pranešimai: 738
Skorpio jei gali parasyk ugi metrais ir centimetrais o svory kilais :wink:


  • Svečiai
xexexe pasirodo daivaris wisai ne uzsienietis ;) jis tikras amerikietis.... ir gan patyreees wrestleris....wa jo info Nuotrauka
Height: 5'10"

Weight: 203 lbs

Real Name: Shawn Daivari

DOB: Unknown

Hometown: Detroit, Michigan

Other Names: "Sheik" Shawn Daivari, Mohammad Daivari

Wrestler Since: 1999

Finishing Maneuver: Magic Carpet Ride, Death Valley Driver

PWI 500 2004 Ranking: #238

Previous PWI 500 Rankings: None

History: (Last Updated: 3/04/05)

In only a few years, Shawn Daivari has carved out a successful indy career in the world of professional wrestling, thanks to a single gimmick. Now, he's testing out that gimmick, along with his great skills & talents, in World Wrestling Entertainment.

The Beginning

Daivari began his professional wrestling career in a very impressive way, working with two well-known trainers at the early age of 15. First, he trained with "Sheik" Adanan Al Kaisey, who helped Daivari begin to develop a Middle-Eastern character for various wrestling events, as well as apparently donating his nickname to Daivari (who became known as "Sheik" Daivari for a time). Daivari also trained with Eddie Sharkey, who has had great success with his pupils, among them the Road Warriors and Jesse Ventura. In 1999, Daivari began criss-crossing the country, honing his skills at various independent wrestling events.

At one of these events, Daivari was involved in a tag-team match, and decided to pull a little joke for the fans in attendance (as well as his fellow wrestlers). When the tag was made to him, Daivari, instead of entering the ring, headed to the outside and pulled a rug out from underneath the ring. Daivari then took the rug to the top of the turnbuckle and jumped off with a frog splash variation, with the rug underneath him. The move was instantly successful, and went from being a one-joke wonder to a trademarked maneuver called "The Magic Carpet Ride". Daivari began using it routinely in his matches, and seemed to quickly be noticed by his peers as a growing star in the business.


Eventually, Daivari began to get mentioned in talks by some of the bigger organizations in the United States. In 2003, Daivari appeared occassionally in dark matches for NWA - Total Nonstop Action, facing off against well-known wrestlers like Glen Gilberti (Disco Inferno), Christoper Daniels, and others. Daivari's big break came, though, in April 2004, at the ECWA Super Eight Tournament. When Tyson Dux, originally one of the eight, was scratched due to a blown knee, Daivari was called to compete in the most prestigious indy tournament in America. Daivari made the most of the opportunity, putting on a fantastic match with Austin Aries. But he went for the magic carpet a little too soon, and Aries got the victory, taking Daivari out of the running. Christopher Daniels went on to win the tournament.


To be chosen as one of the top independent wrestlers in the country earned Daivari a lot of respect, and probably a lot of bookings as well. It also got the attention of Vince McMahon. In August '04, Daivari had one of his dreams come true, as he signed a developmental contract with World Wrestling Entertainment. He was quickly sent to Ohio Valley Wrestling to get in a little training, although plans were already in the works to use him quickly. Still, Daivari got some seasoning under OVW owner Danny Davis.


At the beginning of November '04, Khosrov Daivari appeared as the manager of Muhammad Hassan (formerly known as Mark Magnus in OVW). The two cut a series of promos detailing how they were Americans, but how their lives had become so bad since 9/11. While Hassan would speak in English, Daivari would 'translate' everything into Arabic. After more than a month of promos, Daivari & Hussan made their first live appearance on the December 13th Raw, interrupting Mick Foley, who was in the ring talking about how he would be going to the Smackdown In Iraq show. Hassan and Foley exchanged heated words, with Daivari contributing some Arabic to the mix. While Hassan & Daivari were angry about the way they were treated in America, Foley talked about how they had the right to complain as loudly as they wanted. Foley then tried to get the two men to come to the ring for a fight, but Hassan refused, saying that he wouldn't fight a man he didn't respect. The duo then left, leaving Foley in the ring.

On the next Raw, Daivari & Hassan had another confrontation, this time with the announcers, Jim Ross & Jerry "The King" Lawler. Daivari & Hassan talked about how the announcers spread lies and misinformation about them, which eventually led to them nailing both announcers and knocking them down. The two heels then went to Eric Bischoff and asked for a tag-team match against the announcers, but were refused, instead having a debate set up. The two teams met on the next Raw in the debate, with Daivari & Hassan making strong arguments which were countered by chants of U.S.A. When JR told them to "Love it or Leave it", the debate 'ended', with Daivari & Hassan again attacking the two announcers, choking out JR and bloodying Lawler.


Hassan met up with Lawler in a singles match at the New Year's Revolution pay-per-view, with Daivari on the outside for Hassan, while JR rooted for Lawler. It was a strange match, in that there were no announcers speaking about the various moves. Hassan started off strong, with several bodyslams on the legend. But Lawler came back, sending Hassan to the outside to recuperate. He got in a verbal battle with JR, though, which allowed Lawler to blindside him and get him back in the ring, with Daivari watching from the other side. After some more back-and-forth action, Lawler got a big DDT on Hassan and made the cover, but Daivari saved the match by putting Hassan's foot on the rope. Lawler then proceeded to chase Daivari around the ring, but the distraction worked, as Hassan was able to catch Lawler on the way back in with a Flatliner maneuver for the victory.

On the next Raw, Daivari joined Hassan in their celebration, then watched as Hassan took on the Hurricane. Daivari again proved to be a good asset to have, as he distracted the Hurricane, helping Hassan get the victory. The duo next appeared on Chris Jericho's Highlight Reel a week later, on a Raw held in Toronto, Canada. Hassan talked about how, like Arabs, Canadians were thought of as second-class citizens, with the difference being that he believed that Canadians deserved the name-tag. Daivari then gave a speech in Arabic, with Jericho 'translating' that Daivari wanted to get a signed autograph of one of Jericho's band's CDs. The three men eventually came to blows, with the double-team being too much for Jericho. As Daivari taunted him in Arabic, Hassan locked on the Camel Clutch. Chris Benoit made the save. A week later, Daivari watched as Hussan beat down Val Venis, winning his Qualifying Match for the Rumble.

At the '05 Royal Rumble, Daivari came down along with Hassan, leading his man into the Rumble match. However, the hatred for Hassan was universal, as Daivari watched all of the other contenders beat down Hassan and throw him out. Daivari & Hassan bitterly complained the next week about the unfairness of the other wrestlers. A few weeks later, Daivari & Hassan interrupted another Jericho Highlight Reel to complain about their treatment in the company. Jericho came back with some insults, leading to a match between himself and Hassan. Thanks to Daivari (painfully) distracting Jericho, Hassan picked up the victory, his biggest yet in the company. Daivari next helped Hassan in a growing feud with Chris Benoit, joining with Hassan in a double-team beat-down of the Crippler. A week later, Hassan & Benoit had a match with a strange ending, as Daivari tossed a downed Hassan the ring bell, but Hassan failed to turn around in time to hit Benoit with it during the Flying Headbutt. The match ended in a DQ, as Hassan got the low blow to land. Daivari is definitely proving his worth as a manager. Now if he would just get a chance to bring out that magic carpet...

Pay-Per-View Summary: (0 - 5)
- NWA-TNA PPV (Show #33, February 26, '03) = In a dark match, Shawn Daivari & Ken Anderson fell to the Hot Shots.
- NWA-TNA PPV (Show #43, May 7, '03) = In a dark match, Daivari was beaten by Mike Sanders.
- NWA-TNA PPV (Show #57, August 13, '03) = In a dark match, Daivari & Sean Casey lost to Christopher Daniels & Legend.
- NWA-TNA PPV (Show #90, April 21, '04) = In a dark match, Daivari was taken down by the Amazing Red.
- WWE Backlash '05 (May 1) = Daivari & Muhammad Hassan fell to Hulk Hogan & Shawn Michaels.

Title Summary:
- MAPW Heavyweight Champion (??/??/??)
- MIAW Lightweight Champion (??/??/??)
- AXW Cruiserweight Champion (??/??/??)
- NEO-PRO Cruiserweight Champion (10/12/02 - 6/13/03)

PWI Achievement Awards: (0 wins, 0 1st RUs, 0 2nd RUs, 0 3rd RUs)



    Baltas diržas

  • Naujokai
  • Pranešimai: 117
Bent isverst galejai


  • Svečiai
Andre the Giant Svoris: 238 kg :shock: kaip jam power slam padarydavo? :D


    The King of Hearts

  • nMo nariai
  • Pranešimai: 1612

TruBaller pasakė:

Cia noreciau, kad butu dedami wrestleriu aprasymai. Neapsirikite, cia nera ta tema i kuria yra dedamos tos dideles wreslteriu biografijos su visa ju praeitimi ir t.t. Cia dedam tik tie nedideli wrestleriu aprasyma.
Nu siaip cia prase trumpas [tai galima suprast kad ir lietuviskas].. X_party nu nebent as neteisingai matus isvericau :D





  • nMo Hall of Fame
  • Pranešimai: 1050
  • Miestas:Vilnius
oho chronikeli tawe turbut jau reik pagirt su sunkiu copy paste darbu :shock:
be to seip ir hassanas amerikietis jeigu ka


  • Svečiai
Eddie Guerrero

Pilnas vardas:Eduardo Guerrero



Gimimo data:1967 rugsejo 10

Debiutavo Pro wrestlinge: 1987 metais

Gyvenamoji vieta:Tampa, Floridos valstija, JAV.

Treneris: Salvador "Gory" Guerrero

Mascara Magica (Magic Mask), "Latino Heat", Black Tiger II, El Caliente

Kovos Veiksmu Arsenalas: Frog Spalsh, Lasso El Paso, Top-Rope Vertical Suplex into DDT (Black Tiger), Three Amigos (Triple Vertical Suplex), Figure Four Leglock, Splash Mountain, Black Tiger Bomb, Brainbuster, Catapult Somersault Senton, Superplex, Gory Special, German Suplex, Pescado, Tornado DDT, European Uppercut, Spinning Boot Scrape, Powerbomb.

Megiamiausios Frazes:You can kiss my you-know-what..., Viva La Raza!,I lie I cheat I steal.

Dalyvavo siuose susivienijimuose:
The Radicals (WWF, 2000):
Perry Saturn, Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko

Latino World Order (WCW, 1998):
Juventud Guerrera, Rey Mysterio Jr., Silver King, El Dandy, Psychosis, La Parka, Damien, Villano IV, Villano V

Filthy Animals (WCW, 1999):
Rey Mysterio Jr., Kidman, Konnan, Torri Wilson

Los Gringos Locos (Mexico, 1993):
Love Machine, Konnan, Black Cat, Madonna's Boyfriend, Misterioso, Chicano Power, King Lion

???? (WCW, 1997):
Jeff Jarrett, Debra, Alex Wright, Bill Goldberg

Buvo siu kovotoju partneris:
Los Guerreros (WWE): Chavo Guerrero

Mamacita (WWF): Chyna

La Pareja Atomica/Atomic Pair (Mexico): El Hijo Del Santo

La Pareja del Terror (Mexico): Art Barr

The Heat Connection (WWE): Booker T.

- (WWA): Chavo Guerrero, Mando Guerrero

- (WWE): Tajiri

- (WWE): Rey Mysterio

Titulai:WCW Federacijoje: U.S cempionas,ir du kart Cruiserweight cempionas.

WWE federacijoje:WWE cempionas,2 kart Europos cempionas,du kart IC cempionas,4 kartus WWE tag team cempionas,WWE U.S cempionas.2004 tais metais laimejo 15 man Battle Royal del teises kautis su WWE cempionu nugaletojas.2003 METAIS turnyro del U.S cempiono titulo nugaletojas


Pilnas vardas: Glen Jacobs


Svoris:148 kg

Gimimo data:1967 balandzio 26

Debiutas pro Wrestlinge:1994.WWF debiutas 1997 metais spalio 5 kova HBK VS Undertaker (1st Hell in a Cell match ever)

Gyvenamoji vieta:Knoxville Tennesio valstija,JAV.

Treneris:Dean Malenko

Pravardes:Fake Diesel, Unabomb, The Christmas Creature, Doomsday, Unabom, Dr. Isaac Yankem, DDS,The Big Red Machine(Monster)

Veiksmu arsenalas:Kane's Tombstone, Chokeslam, Tilt a Whirl Slam.

Frimines frazes:Kiss my ash... Go to Hell!

Dalyvavo siuose susivienijimuose:The Corporation (WWF, 1998-1999):
Shane McMahon, Pat Patterson, Gerald Brisco, The Big Boss Man, Chyna, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Mankind, Sgt Slaughter, Shawn Michaels, Paul Wight, Ken Shamrock, Rocky Maivia, Test, Vince McMahon

The Unholy Alliance (WWF, 1998-2000):
Linda Mcmahon, Mick Foley, The Rock, Steve Austin, The Undertaker.

Team WWF (WWF, 2001):
The Undertaker, Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin

Titulai:WWE/WWF Federacijoje:WWE cempionas,du kartus IC cempionas,8 kartus Tag team cempionas,Hardcore cempionas,Raw battle royal nugaletojas,Triple crown laimetojas,Grand slam turnyro nugaletojas.

WCW federacijoje:world tag team cempionas su Undertaker.


    The King of Hearts

  • nMo nariai
  • Pranešimai: 1612
Nu pratesiu kaip ir zadejau:


Tikras vardas: William Goldberg
Ūgis:1.95 m
Svoris: 128 kg
Gimęs: 1966/12/27
Kilmė: Tulsa, Oklahoma
Finisheris: Spear, The Jackhammer
Titulai: - WCW United States Heavyweight Champion (4/20/98 - 7/6/98 )
- WCW World Heavyweight Champion (7/6/98 - 12/27/98 )
- WCW United States Heavyweight Champion(2) (10/24/99 - 10/25/99)
- WCW World Tag-Team Champion w/ Bret Hart (12/07/99 - 12/13/99)
- WWE Raw World Heavyweight Champion (9/21/03 - 12/14/03)



Tikras vardas: Terry Bolea
Ūgis: 2.07 m
Svoris: 124 kg
Gimęs: 1953/08/11
Kilmė: Venice beatch, California
Finisheris: Leg drop
Titulai: - NWA Southeastern Heavyweight Champion (12/79 - 1/80)
- IWGP Championship (5/83)
- WWF World Heavyweight Champion (1/23/84 - 2/5/88)
- WWF World Heavyweight Champion(2) (4/2/89 - 4/1/90)
- WWF World Heavyweight Champion(3) (3/24/91 - 11/27/91)
- WWF World Heavyweight Champion(4) (12/3/91 - 12/4/91)
- WWF World Heavyweight Champion(5) (4/4/93 - 6/13/93)
- WCW World Heavyweight Champion (7/17/94 - 10/29/95)
- WCW World Heavyweight Champion(2) (8/10/96 - 8/4/97)
- WCW World Heavyweight Champion(3) (8/9/97 - 12/28/97)
- WCW World Heavyweight Champion(4) (4/20/98 - 7/6/98 )
- WCW World Heavyweight Champion(5) (1/4/98 - 3/14/99)
- WCW World Heavyweight Champion(6) (7/12/99 - 9/12/99)
- WWF World Heavyweight Champion(6) (4/21/02 - 5/19/02)
- WWE World Tag-Team Champion w/ Edge (7/02/02 - 7/21/02)



Tikras vardas: Jeffrey Nero Hardy
Ūgis: 1.82 m
Svoris: 95 kg
Gimė: 1977/08/31
Kilmė: Cameron, California
Finisheris: Swanton Bomb
Titulai: NFWA Heavyweight Champion (3/25/95)
- NCW Light-Heavyweight Champion (3/06/97)
- NCW Light-Heavyweight Champion(2) (7/24/97 - 97)
- Omega New Frontier Champion (8/02/97 )
- NEW Junior-Heavyweight Champion (9/97
- NDW Light-Heavyweight Champion (2/28/98
- NWA 2000 Tag-Team Champion w/ Matt Hardy (3/07/98 - 6/29/98 )
- UWA Middleweight Champion (6/14/98 )
- Omega Tag-Team Champion w/ Jeff Hardy (7/24/98
- WWF World Tag-Team Champion w/ Matt Hardy (6/29/99 - 7/25/99)
- WWF World Tag-Team Champion(2) w/ Matt Hardy (9/24/00 - 10/22/00)
- WWF World Tag-Team Champion(3) w/ Matt Hardy (10/23/00 - 11/06/00)
- WWF World Tag-Team Champion(4) w/ Matt Hardy (3/05/01 - 3/19/01)
- WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion (4/10/01 - 4/16/01)
- WWF World Light-Heavyweight Champion (6/05/01 - 6/25/01)
- WWF Hardcore Champion (7/10/01 - 7/22/01)
- WWF Hardcore Champion(2) (8/13/01 - 8/19/01)
- WCW World Tag-Team Champion w/ Matt Hardy (10/08/01 - 10/23/01)
- WWF World Tag-Team Champion(5) w/ Matt Hardy (11/12/01 - 11/18/01)
- WWE European Heavyweight Champion (7/08/02 - 7/22/02)
- WWE Hardcore Champion(3) (7/29/02)



Tikras vardas: Matthew Moore Hardy
Ūgis: 1.85 m
Svoris: 95
Gimęs: 1974/09/23
Kilmė: Cameron, California
Finisheris: Twist of Fate
Titulai: - NEWA Heavyweight Champion (3/94 - 5/95)
- NFWA Tag-Team Champion w/ Venom (3/95 - 95)
- NFWA Heavyweight Champion (4/08/95 - 95)
- NCW Heavyweight Champion (7/24/97 )
- Omega Heavyweight Champion (12/05/97 )
- NWA 2000 Tag-Team Champion w/ Jeff Hardy (3/07/98 - 6/29/98 )
- NDW Light-Heavyweight Champion (6/17/98 )
- Omega Tag-Team Champion w/ Jeff Hardy (6/24/98 )
- WWF World Tag-Team Champion w/ Jeff Hardy (6/29/99 - 7/25/99)
- WWF Hardcore Champion (4/24/00 - 4/25/00)
- WWF World Tag-Team Champion(2) w/ Jeff Hardy (9/24/00 - 10/22/00)
- WWF World Tag-Team Champion(3) w/ Jeff Hardy (10/23/00 - 11/06/00)
- WWF World Tag-Team Champion(4) w/ Jeff Hardy (3/05/01 - 3/19/01)
- WWF European Heavyweight Champion (4/24/01 - 8/27/01)
- WCW World Tag-Team Champion w/ Jeff Hardy (10/08/01 - 10/23/01)
- WWF World Tag-Team Champion(5) w/ Jeff Hardy (11/12/01 - 11/18/01)
- WWE World Cruiserweight Champion (2/23/03 - 6/03/03)



Tikras vardas: Chris Benoit
Ūgis: 1.81(mazdaug) m
Svoris: 98 kg
Gimė: 1967/05/21
Kilmė: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Finisheris: Diving Headbutt, Crippler Crossface
Titulai: Calgary Stampede International Tag-Team Champion w/ Ben Bassarab (3/01/86 - 3/24/86)
- Calgary Stampede International Tag-Team Champion(2) w/ Keith Hart (5/09/86 - 6/06/86)
- Calgary Stampede British-Commonwealth Mid-Heavyweight Champion (3/19/88 - 6/10/88)
- Calgary Stampede British-Commonwealth Mid-Heavyweight Champion(2) (3/19/88 - 6/10/88)
- Calgary Stampede British-Commonwealth Mid-Heavyweight Champion(3) (6/17/88 - 6/24/88)
- Calgary Stampede International Tag-Team Champion(3) w/ Lance Idol (10/07/88 - 10/28/88)
- Calgary Stampede British-Commonwealth Mid-Heavyweight Champion(4) (1/13/89 - 7/07/89)
- Calgary Stampede International Tag-Team Champion(4) w/ Biff Wellington (4/08/89 - 6/09/89)
- IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion (8/19/90 - 11/02/90)
- WWF Light Heavyweight Champion (3/03/91 - 9/13/92)
- CWA World Tag-Team Champion w/ David Taylor (12/21/91 - 6/92)
- ECW World Tag-Team Champion w/ Dean Malenko (2/25/95 - 4/08/95)
- WCW World Television Champion (4/30/98 - 5/01/98 )
- WCW World Television Champion(2) (5/02/98 - 5/03/98 )
- WCW Tag-Team Champion w/ Dean Malenko (3/14/99 - 3/29/99)
- WCW Tag-Team Champion(2) w/ Perry Saturn (6/10/99 - 6/13/99)
- WCW United States Heavyweight Champion (8/09/99 - 9/12/99)
- WCW Television Champion(3) (9/13/99 - 10/24/99)
- WCW United States Heavyweight Champion(2) (12/19/99 - 12/20/99)
- WCW World Heavyweight Champion (1/16/00)
- WWF Intercontinental Champion (4/02/00 - 5/02/00)
- WWF Intercontinental Champion(2) (5/08/00 - 6/22/00)
- WWF Intercontinental Champion(3) (12/10/00 - 1/21/01)
- WWF World Tag-Team Champion w/ Chris Jericho (5/21/01 - 6/19/01)
- WWE Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion (7/29/02 - 8/25/02)
- WWE Smackdown World Tag-Team Champion w/ Kurt Angle (10/20/02 - 11/05/02)
- WWE Raw World Heavyweight Champion (3/14/04 - 8/15/04)
- WWE Raw World Tag-Team Champion(2) w/ Edge (4/19/04 - 5/31/04)
- WWE Raw World Tag-Team Champion(3) w/ Edge (10/19/04 - 1/01/04)



Tikras vardas: Dave Bautista
Ūgis: 2 m
Svoris: 147 kg
Gimė: 1969/01/18
Kilmė: Washington D.C.
Titulai: - OVW Heavyweight Champion (11/28/01 - 2/20/02)
- WWE Raw World Tag-Team Champion w/ Ric Flair (12/14/03 - 2/16/04)
- WWE Raw World Tag-Team Champion(2) w/ Ric Flair (3/22/04 - 4/19/04)
- WWE Raw World Heavyweight Champion (4/03/05 - dabartinis)



Tikras vardas: Patricia Stratigias
Ūgis: 1.64 m
Svoris: 56 kg
Gimė: 1975/12/18
Kilmė: Toronto, Canada
Finisher: Stratisfaction
Titulai: WWF World Women's Champion (11/18/01 - 2/04/02)
- WWF Hardcore Champion (5/06/02)
- WWF World Women's Champion(2) (5/13/02 - 6/23/02)
- WWE World Women's Champion(3) (9/22/02 - 11/17/02)
- WWE World Women's Champion(4) (3/30/03 - 4/27/03)
- WWE World Women's Champion(5) (6/13/04 - 12/06/04)
- WWE World Women's Champion(6) (1/09/05 - Current)



Tikras vardas: Oscar Gonzales
Ūgis: 1.61 m
Svoris: 74kg
Gimęs: 1974/12/12
Kilmė: San Diego, California
Finisheris: The 619, West Coast Pop, Dropping The Dime, Bronco Buster
Titulai: - Mexican National Welterweight Champion (10/28/92 - ??/??/??)
- WWA (Mexico) World Lightweight Champion (?? - 10/93)
- WWA (Mexico) World Lightweight Champion(2) (11/30/94 - 3/2/95)
- WWA (Mexico) World Tag-Team Champion w/ Rey Mysterio, Sr. (95 - 3/2/95)
- Mexican National Trios Champion (4/14/95 - 95)
- WWA (Mexico) World Lightweight Champion(3) (6/16/95 - ??)
- WWA (Mexico) World Welterweight Champion (9/22/95 - 9/28/95)
- WWA (Mexico) World Welterweight Champion(2) (9/29/95 - 4/28/96)
- WCW World Cruiserweight Champion (7/8/96 - 10/27/96)
- WWA (Mexico) World Welterweight Champion(3) (7/20/96 - 2/21/97)
- WCW World Cruiserweight Champion(2) (10/26/97 - 11/10/97)
- WCW World Cruiserweight Champion(3) (1/15/98 - 1/24/98)
- WCW World Cruiserweight Champion(4) (3/15/99 - 4/19/99)
- WCW World Tag-Team Champions w/ Billy Kidman (3/29/99 - 5/09/99)
- WCW World Cruiserweight Champion(5) (4/26/99 - 8/19/99)
- WCW World Tag-Team Champions(2) w/ Konnan (10/18/99 - 10/20/99)
- WCW World Tag-Team Champions(3) w/ Juventud Guerrera (8/14/00 - 9/18/00)
- WCW World Cruiserweight Tag-Team Champions w/ Billy Kidman (3/26/01 - 01)
- WWC Junior Heavyweight Champion (1/06/02 - 02)
- WWE "Smackdown" Tag-Team Champion w/ Edge (11/05/02 - 11/17/02)
- WWE World Cruiserweight Champion(6) (6/03/03 - 9/23/03)
- WWE World Cruiserweight Champion(7) (12/30/03 - 2/15/04)
- WWE World Cruiserweight Champion(8) (6/15/04 - 7/27/04)
- WWE Smackdown World Tag-Team Champion(2) w/ Rob Van Dam (12/07/04 - 1/11/05)
- WWE Smackdown World Tag-Team Champion(3) w/ Eddie Guerrero (2/20/05 - 4/18/05)



Tikras vardas: Paul London
Ūgis: 181
Svoris: 92
Gimęs: 1980/04/16
Kilmė: Austin, Texas
Finisheris: London Calling
- ETW Television Champion
- Funkin' Conservatory United States Heavyweight Champion
- Funkin' Conservatory Television Champion
- Funkin' Conservatory Hardcore Champion
- WWE Smackdown World Tag-Team Champion w/ Billy Kidman (7/06/04 - 9/07/04)
- WWE World Cruiserweight Champion (3/29/05 - Current)



Tikras vardas: Stacy Keibler
Ūgis: 1.55
Svoris: 56 kg
Gimė: 1979/10/14
Kilmė: Baltimorė, Maryland
Finisheris: Nera
Titulai: Nera :D




  • Svečiai

Tikras vardas: Richard Morgan Fliehr
Gimes:Vasario 25,1949 (Memphis,Tennessee)
Matirialiniai Statusai:Wedes,turi vaik7 nzn kiek :D
Treniruotas:Verne Gagne
Debiutas:1972(AWA lygoje)
Finishing moves:Figure-Four Leglock,Chop Block,Backhand Chop,Kick to Groin,The Low Blow,Thumb to the eye,Knee Drop,Stalling Butterfly Suplex,Back Suplex,Elbow Drop to the knee
Titulai:Nu pradesiu :D
NWA WORLD TITLE,WCW WORLD TITLE,WWE/WWF WORLD TITLE,WCW INTERNATIONAL TITLE,WCW/NWA/Mid-Atlantic United States Title,NWA Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title,NWA/NWA Mid-Atlantic T.V. Title,NWA Missouri Heavyweight Title,NWA World Tag Team Titles,NWA Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Titles,WWE World Tag Team Titles
Trumpai:Ric'o sunus David Flair yra irgi Profesonalus Wrestleris,
Mūsų senukas dar yra nusifilmaves 3 filmuose t.y:The Wrestler (1974), Body Slam (1987) and Sting: Moment of Truth (2004).


  • Svečiai

Tikras vardas:Steve Borden
Gime:Kovo 20,1959 in Omaha, Nebraska
Lygos:NWA,WCW(buwo world championu!),TNA
Treniruotas by: Red Bastien
Frazės: "It's Showtime, Folks!", "Whooo!", "This - is - Sting!", "riddle me this, riddle me that.. who's afraid of the big - black - bat"
Filmai:The Real Reason (Men Commit Crimes) (1998), Shutterspeed (2000)
Finishing moves:Scorpion Death Lock,Scorpion Death Drop,Stinger Splash,Frog Splash
Gynklai:Baseball Bat
Titulai:World Championship Wrestling
6-time WCW World Heavyweight Champion
2-time WCW International Heavyweight Champion
2-time WCW United States Heavyweight Champion
3-time WCW World Tag Team Champion
Winner of 1991 WCW Battle Bowl
Winner of 1994 WCW European Cup
Winner of 1992 WCW King of Cable
National Wrestling Alliance
World Wrestling Allstars
Universal Wrestling Federation


    Žalias diržas

  • nMo nariai
  • Pranešimai: 757
Turbut visi zinot daugybe saitu su wrestleriu bio, bet va cia geriausias mano zinomas saitas:
Pateikiama labai issami informacija apie didziuli kieki kovotoju (titulai, career highlights, zinomi feudai, favorite ir finishing moves, visi gimmickai, zinoma ir birthday, hometown, h&w ir t.t.)


    not again...;/

  • nMo Hall of Fame
  • Pranešimai: 2691
  • Miestas:Kaunas
Chris Jericho / Y2J
Tikras vardas: Chris Irvine
Gimimo data: November 9, 1970 in NY
Gimtasis miestas: gimė Manhasset, New York
užaugo St. James, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Dabar gyvena Tampa, Florida
Šeimyninė padėtis: Vedęs Jessica
Sūnūs: Ash Edward Irvine
1.83 m
105 kg
Treneris: Keith Hart
Debiutas: 1990
Ankstesni gimmickai: Corazon de Leon (Meksika)
Lion Do (Japonija)
Lionheart (WCW)
Moongoose McQueen (Fozzy)
Finisheris: Walls of Jericho/Liontamer
Mėgstamiausi judesiai:
Triple Powerbomb
Step Up Enziguri
Running Knee to Victim
The Lionsault
The Breakdown
Jumping Forearm
Cocky Pin
Missile Dropkick
Modified Bulldog
Springboard Dropkick to Apron
Flying Corkscrew Back Elbow Smash
Double Underhook Backbreaker
Adjacent Springboard Plancha
Backbreaker into Over Knee Back Rack
# WCWA Tag Team titles (2);
# CRMW Tag Team titles su/Lance Storm 1992;
# CRMW title nugalėjo Bif Wellington 1993;
# WWA Tag Team title (Meksika), su/ El Dandy 1993;
# NWA Middleweight title (kaip Corazon de Leon) 1993-94;
# WAR International Junior Heavyweight title (kaip Lion Do) 1995;
# WAR International Junior Heavyeight Tag Team title (kaip Lion Do) su/ Gedo 1996;
# ECW Television title 1996;
# WCW Cruiserweight title 1997-98 (4);
# WCW Television title, 1998;
# WWF Intercontinental title 1999;
# WWF European title, 2000;
# WWF Tag Team titles, 2001 su/Benoit;
# WWF Tag Team titles, 2001 su/The Rock;
# WWF Hardcore title, 2001;
# WCW Heavyweight title, 2001;
# WWF Tag Team titles, 2002 w/Christian;
# WWE Intercontinental title nugalėjo Rob Van Dam (Spalio 27, 2003 - RAW);


    nMo Legend

  • nMo Hall of Fame
  • Pranešimai: 1908
Beef, as is ten irgi imu. Taciau nepasitikekit vienu saitu. Pameginkit ir su kitais sutikrinti, kad butu viskas tikslu. Siaip noreciau paprasyti kad ugi ir svori rasytumes pagal lietuviskus formatus, o bio aisku rasykit lietuviskas.


    not again...;/

  • nMo Hall of Fame
  • Pranešimai: 2691
  • Miestas:Kaunas
gal galetu kas nors paaiskint kaip tuos amerikietiskus matus pakeist europietiskais? :lol: nu kg/cm nes as kai rasiau nukopinau is malioko bio ugi ir svori


    ★ BILL 2 : 1 BROCK ★

  • Administratoriai
  • Pranešimai: 7331

Bam pasakė:

gal galetu kas nors paaiskint kaip tuos amerikietiskus matus pakeist europietiskais? :lol: nu kg/cm nes as kai rasiau nukopinau is malioko bio ugi ir svori
Labai paprasta :D
Paleidi puslapi ir ten rasai...
Pvz. jei tau reikia isversti 220 lbs i kilogamus, tai rasai tame puslapije:
220 lbs in kg
Jis tau parasis kiek tai bus kilogramose
Pvz. jei tau reikia isversti 6'9" i metrus, tai rasai ten:
6 feet 9 inch in m
Google vel tau suskaicios - lengva :wink:


    not again...;/

  • nMo Hall of Fame
  • Pranešimai: 2691
  • Miestas:Kaunas

`MalioK` pasakė:

Bam pasakė:

gal galetu kas nors paaiskint kaip tuos amerikietiskus matus pakeist europietiskais? :D nu kg/cm nes as kai rasiau nukopinau is malioko bio ugi ir svori
Labai paprasta :lol:
Paleidi puslapi ir ten rasai...
Pvz. jei tau reikia isversti 220 lbs i kilogamus, tai rasai tame puslapije:
220 lbs in kg
Jis tau parasis kiek tai bus kilogramose
Pvz. jei tau reikia isversti 6'9" i metrus, tai rasai ten:
6 feet 9 inch in m
Google vel tau suskaicios - lengva :wink:

WOW :shock: labai geras dalykas, labai ačiū `Maliok` n`M`o RULEZ!!!! :D


    ★ BILL 2 : 1 BROCK ★

  • Administratoriai
  • Pranešimai: 7331

Bam pasakė:

WOW :shock: labai geras dalykas, labai ačiū `Maliok` n`M`o RULEZ!!!! :lol:
n[size=24]'M'o 8)


    Žalias diržas

  • nMo nariai
  • Pranešimai: 738

`MalioK` pasakė:

Bam pasakė:

gal galetu kas nors paaiskint kaip tuos amerikietiskus matus pakeist europietiskais? :D nu kg/cm nes as kai rasiau nukopinau is malioko bio ugi ir svori
Labai paprasta :D
Paleidi puslapi ir ten rasai...
Pvz. jei tau reikia isversti 220 lbs i kilogamus, tai rasai tame puslapije:
220 lbs in kg
Jis tau parasis kiek tai bus kilogramose
Pvz. jei tau reikia isversti 6'9" i metrus, tai rasai ten:
6 feet 9 inch in m
Google vel tau suskaicios - lengva :wink:

Aciu ir man labai pagelbejai.


  • Svečiai

Brock Lesnar

Pilnas Vardas:Brock Edward Lesnar

ugis:1.93 cm

svoris:135 kg

Gimimo data:1977 liepos 12

Debiutavo pro wrestlinge:2000 metais

Gyvenamoji vieta:Mineapolis Minesota,Jav

Treneriai: Curt Hennig, Brad Rheingans

Pravardes:The Next Big Thing" Brock Lesnar, "Real" Brock Lesnar

vEIKSMU ARSENALAS:F5, Powerbomb, Brock Lock, Triple Powerbomb, Triple Rib Breaker, Shooting Star Press, Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex

MEGSTAMIAUSIOS FRAZES: I'm the Next Big thing, I'm the greatest WWE Champion

Menedzeris|:Paul Heyman

Priklause siam susivienijimui: Vince's Team Power (WWE, 2003):
Vince McMahon, Sable, The Big Show, A-Train, Matt Morgan, Nathan Jones

Buvo siu kovotoju tag team partneris arba komandos draugas:
Minnesota Stretching Crew (OVW): Shelton Benjamin

Team Lesnar (WWE): The Big Show, A-Train, Matt Morgan, Nathan Jones

Titulai:WWE/WWF federacijoje:Du kartus WWE cempionas,1 karta WWE Undisputed CEMPIONAS (2002 metais nugalejes TheRock),2002 metu King Of the Ring,2003 metu Royal Rumble nugaletojas(finale eleminaves Undertaker).

OVW FEDERACIJOJE: 3 kartus Southern Tag Team cempionas.

apdovanojimai:2003 metais Geriausias metu pasaulio wrestleris,Didziausia pazanga padares Kovotojas padares diziausia pazanga 2002,geriausias metu atradimas 2002 metais.Metu kylanti zvaigzde 2002 metais.Metu feudas 2003 metais vs Kurt Angle.
Jauniu KOLEDZU STUDENTU NJCAA Cempionas 1998 metasi.


Bret Hart

Ugis: 6'0"

Svoris: 235 lbs

Tikras Vardas: Bret Hart

Gimimo data: 7/2/57

Kyles: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Kiti varda: "The Hitman" (WWF, WCW)

Wrestlina nuo: 1976

Baigiamas smugis: The Sharpshooter

Praeiti PWI 500 vietos: #56(1999), #40(1998), #20(1997), #16(1996), #4(1995), #1(1994), #1(1993), #5(1992), #21(1991)

PPV istorija:

- Stampede International Tag-Team Title Tournament (March '82) = Bret & Bruce Hart defeated Mike Shaw & Tab Rogers and Mo Chi Lau & the Cuban Assassin, before falling to the eventual winners, Duke Myers & Kerry Brown.
- WWF World Junior Heavyweight Title League '84 (January 1 - February 7, '84) = Hart competed in the League, which was won by the Dynamite Kid.
- NJPW Sumo Hall (February '84) = Hart & the Black Tiger were beaten by Isamu Teranishi & Kuniaki Kobayashi.
- WWF Wrestlemania II ('86) = Hart wrestled in a "Battle Royal", which was won by Andre the Giant.
- WWF Saturday Night's Main Event #8 (November '86) = The Hart Foundation (Hart and Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart) lost to the Killer Bees.
- WWF Saturday Night's Main Event #10 (February '87) = The Hart Foundation defended the WWF Tag Belts by defeating Tito Santana and Dan Spivey.
- WWF Wrestlemania III ('87) = The Hart Foundation and Danny Davis defeated the British Bulldogs and Tito Santana.
- WWF Saturday Night's Main Event #11 (April '87) = The Hart Foundation lost a "3 Falls" Match to the British Bulldogs, but, due to one of the falls being a DQ, retained the WWF Tag Belts.
- WWF Saturday Night's Main Event #12 (September '87) = The Hart Foundation stayed the WWF Tag Champs by defeating the Young Stallions.
- WWF Saturday Night's Main Event #13 (November '87) = Hart was defeated by "Macho Man" Randy Savage.
- WWF Survivor Series '87 = The Hart Foundation, the Islanders, Demolition, the Russians and Greg "The Hammer" Valentine and Dino Bravo fought in a "Tag-Team Elimination" Match against the British Bulldogs, Young Stallions, Strike Force, the Rougeau Brothers and the Killer Bees. Hart and Neidhart were eliminated when "B" Brian Brunzell pinned Hart. The Killer Bees and the Young Stallions were the "survivors".
- WWF Royal Rumble '88 = Hart competed in the "Royal Rumble", which was won by "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan.
- WWF Main Event I (February '8 = The Hart Foundation lost to then-WWF Tag Champs Strike Force.
- WWF Wrestlemania IV ('8 = Hart wrestled in a "Battle Royal", which was won by Bad News Brown.
- WWF Wrestlefest '88 = Hart was beat by Bad News Brown.
- WWF Summerslam '88 = The Hart Foundation lost to then-WWF Tag Champs Demolition.
- WWF Saturday Night's Main Event #17 (October '8 = The Hart Foundation again lost to Demolition, who retained their belts.
- WWF Survivor Series '88 = The Hart Foundation, the Powers of Pain, the Rockers, the British Bulldogs and the Young Stallions fought in a "Tag-Team Elimination" Match against the Brain Busters, the Conquistadors, Demolition, the Bolsheviks and the Fabulous Rougeau Brothers. Hart and Neidhart were eliminated when Terry Blanchard pinned Hart. The Powers of Pain were the "survivors".
- WWF Royal Rumble '89 = The Hart Foundation and "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan won a "3 Falls" Match over Dino Bravo and the Quebecers.
- WWF Wrestlemania V ('89) = The Hart Foundation defeated Rhythm and Blues.
- WWF Summerslam '89 = The Hart Foundation lost to the Brain Busters.
- WWF Survivor Series '89 = Bret Hart, "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan, Hercules and "Rugged" Ronnie Garvin fought in an "Elimination" Match against "Macho King" Randy Savage, Dino Bravo, Greg "The Hammer" Valentine and the Canadian Earthquake. Hart was eliminated by Savage. Earthquake, Bravo and Savage were the "survivors".
- WWF Royal Rumble '90 = Bret competed in the "Royal Rumble", which was won by Hulk Hogan.
- WWF Wrestlemania VI ('90) = The Hart Foundation quickly beat Nikolia Volkoff and Boris Zuhkov.
- AJPW US/Japan Wrestling Summit (April 13th, '90) = Hart fought to a draw with Tiger Mask.
- WWF Saturday Night's Main Event #26 (April 23rd, '90) = The Hart Foundation and the Rockers fought to a Double Disqualification.
- WWF Summerslam '90 = The Hart Foundation won "2 out of 3 Falls" over Demolition to win the WWF Tag-Team Titles.
- WWF Survivor Series '90 = The Hart Foundation, Dusty Rhodes and Koko B. Ware fought in an "Elimination" Match against Ted DiBiase, the Undertaker and Rhythm & Blues. Hart was eliminated by DiBiase, who was the sole "survivor".
- WWF Royal Rumble '91 = Bret was involved in the "Royal Rumble", which was won by Hulk Hogan.
- WWF Wrestlemania VII ('91) = The Hart Foundation lost the WWF Tag Titles to the Nasty Boys.
- SWS Wrestlefest (March '91) = The Hart Foundation defeated the Rockers.
- WWF Saturday Night's Main Event #29 (April '91) = Hart and Ted DiBiase fought to a Double Count-Out.
- WWF Summerslam '91 = Bret won the WWF Intercontinental Title by beating Mr. Perfect.
- WWF King of the Ring Tournament (September 7, '91) = Hart defeated Pete Dougherty, Skinner, and Irwin R. Schyster to win the tournament.
- WWF Survivor Series '91 = Hart, "Rowdy" Roddy Piper, Davey Boy Smith and Virgil fought in an "Elimination" Match against Ric Flair, Ted DiBiase, the Warlord and the Mountie. Hart was DQ'ed. Ric Flair was the "survivor".
- WWF Tuesday In Texas (December '91) = Bret stayed the I-C Champ by forcing Skinner to submit.
- WWF Wrestlemania VIII ('92) = Bret won the WWF Intercontinental Belt from "Rowdy" Roddy Piper.
- WWF Summerslam '92 = Bret lost the WWF I-C Title to the British Bulldog.
- WWF Saturday Night's Main Event #31 (October '92) = Hart stayed the WWF World Champ by forcing Papa Shango to submit.
- WWF Survivor Series '92 = Hart retained the WWF World Title by forcing Shawn Michaels to submit.
- WWF Royal Rumble '93 = Hart forced Razor Ramon to submit, retaining the WWF World Title.
- WWF Wrestlemania IX ('93) = Hart lost the WWF World Title to Yokozuna.
- WWF King of the Ring '93 = Hart defeated Razor Ramon, Mr. Perfect and Bam Bam Bigelow to win the KOTR tournament.
- WWF Summerslam '93 = Hart forced Doink to submit, then lost, via DQ, to Jerry "The King" Lawler.
- WWF Survivor Series '93 = Bret, Owen, Keith and Bruce Hart fought in an "Elimination" Match against Shawn Michaels and his 3 Knights. Bret, Keith and Bruce were the "survivors".
- WWF Royal Rumble '94 = Bret and Owen Hart lost to the Quebecers, who retained the WWF Tag Titles. Later in the night, Bret co-won the "Royal Rumble" with Lex Luger.
- WWF Wrestlemania X ('94) = Bret was pinned by his brother, Owen Hart. Later in the night, Hart defeated Yokozuna for the WWF World Title.
- WWF King of the Ring '94 = Hart retained the WWF World Title, but lost, via DQ, to Diesel.
- WWF Summerslam '94 = Hart stayed the WWF World Champ by winning a "Steel Cage" Match over Owen Hart.
- WWF Jacques Rougeau Retirement Show (October '94) = Hart defended the WWF World Title by beating Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart.
- WWF Survivor Series '94 = Hart lost the WWF World Title in a "submission" match to Bob Backlund.
- WWF Royal Rumble '95 = Bret and Diesel fought to a No-Contest, with Diesel retaining the WWF World Title.
- WWF Wrestlemania XI ('95) = Bret won an "I Quit" Match over Bob Backlund.
- WWF In Your House 1 (May '95) = Hart defeated Hakushi. Later in the night, Hart lost to Jerry "The King" Lawler.
- WWF King of the Ring '95 = Hart won a "Kiss My Foot" Match over Jerry "The King" Lawler.
- WWF In Your House 2 (July '95) = Hart beat Jean Pierre Lafite in a dark match.
- WWF Summerslam '95 = Hart won, via DQ, over Issac Yankem.
- WWF In Your House 3 (September '95) = Hart forced Jean Pierre Lafite to submit.
- WWF In Your House 4 (October '95) = Hart defeated Issac Yankem in a dark match.
- WWF Survivor Series '95 = Hart won the WWF World Title from Diesel in a "No DQ" Match.
- Stu Hart Tribute Show (December 15, '95) = Hart stayed the WWF World Champ by beating Davey Boy Smith.
- WWF In Your House 5 (December 17, '95) = Hart retained the WWF World Title by beating the British Bulldog.
- WWF Royal Rumble '96 = Bret retained his WWF World Title by winning, via DQ, over the Undertaker.
- WWF In Your House 6 (February '96) = Hart stayed the WWF World Champ by winning a "Steel Cage" Match over Diesel.
- WWF Wrestlemania XII ('96) = Bret lost the WWF World Title in an "Ironman" Match with Shawn Michaels.
- WWF Survivor Series '96 = Hart defeated "Stone Cold" Steve Austin.
- WWF Middle East Cup Tournament (December 2, '96) = Hart beat the British Bulldog and Steve Austin to win the tournament.
- WWF In Your House 12 (December '96) = Hart lost to then-WWF World Champ Psycho Sid.
- WWF Royal Rumble '97 = Bret competed in the "Royal Rumble", which was won by Steve Austin.
- WWF Triple Threat (January '97) = Hart lost a "Triangle" Match to WWF World Champ Shawn Michaels, with Psycho Sid as the other participant.
- WWF WWF In Your House 13 (February '97) = Hart won the WWF World Title by defeating the Undertaker, Vader, and Steve Austin in a "Final Four" Match.
- WWF Wrestlemania XIII ('97) = Bret "TKO"ed "Stone Cold" Steve Austin in a "Submission" Match. Ken Shamrock was the special referee.
- WWF In Your House 14 (April '97) = Hart lost, via DQ, to "Stone Cold" Steve Austin.
- WWF In Your House 16 (July '97) = The New Hart Foundation (Bret, Owen Hart, Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart, Davey Boy Smith and Brian Pillman) defeated Steve Austin, Ken Shamrock, Goldust and the Legion of Doom.
- WWF Summerslam '97 = Bret won the WWF World Title for a 5th time, defeating the Undertaker. Shawn Michaels was the special referee.
- Fifty Years of Funk (September '97) = Hart defeated Terry Funk.
- WWF One Night Only (September '97) = Hart stayed the WWF World Champ by winning, via DQ, over the Undertaker.
- WWF In Your House 17 (October '97) = Bret stayed the WWF World Champ by forcing the Patriot to submit.
- WWF In Your House 18 (November '97) = Hart and the British Bulldog defeated Vader and the Patriot.
- WWF Survivor Series '97 = Hart lost the WWF World Title to Shawn Michaels.
- WCW Starrcade '97 = Hart was the special referee for the Larry Zbyzsko - Eric Bischoff match, which was won, via DQ, by Zbyzsko.
- WCW/nWo Souled Out '98 = Hart forced Ric Flair to submit, winning the match.
- WCW Boston Brawl (January '9 = Hart again made Ric Flair submit.
- WCW Uncensored '98 = Hart used his Sharpshooter to get Curt Henning to submit.
- WCW Slamboree '98 = Hart, via disqualification, won the match against "Macho Man" Randy Savage (later reversed by the Special Referee, "Rowdy" Roddy Piper).
- WCW Great American Bash '98 = Hart and Hollywood Hogan defeated "Macho Man" Randy Savage and "Rowdy" Roddy Piper.
- WCW Bash At The Beach '98 = Hart lost, via DQ, to then-WCW TV Champion Booker T.
- WCW Fall Brawl '98 = Hart was involved in the War Games Match, along with Hollywood Hogan, Stevie Ray, Diamond Dallas Page, "Rowdy" Roddy Piper, the Warrior, Kevin Nash, Sting, and Lex Luger. DDP was the winner.
- WCW Halloween Havoc '98 = Hart retained the WCW United States Title, defeating Sting.
- WCW World War III '98 = Hart was defeated by the United States Champ, Diamond Dallas Page.
- WCW Halloween Havoc '99 = Hart was forced to submit to the Total Package Lex Luger.
- WCW Mayhem (November '99) = Hart got a submission victory over Sting, then went on to beat Chris Benoit in the finals to become the new WCW World Champion.
- WCW Starrcade '99 = Hart defended the World Title by defeating Bill Goldberg.


- WWC Carribean Tag-Team Champion w/ Smith (78 - 9/29/79)
- Calgary Stampede British Commonwealth Mid-Heavyweight Champion (11/78 - 12/7
- Calgary Stampede International Tag-Team Champion w/ Keith Hart (12/78 - 79)
- Calgary Stampede British Commonwealth Mid-Heavyweight Champion(2) (4/79 - 7/79)
- Calgary Stampede International Tag-Team Champion(2) w/ Keith Hart (79 - 80)
- Calgary Stampede North American Heavyweight Champion (80)
- Calgary Stampede North American Heavyweight Champion(2) (5/80 - 80)
- Calgary Stampede International Tag-Team Champion(3) w/ Keith Hart (80 - 6/3/80)
- Calgary Stampede International Tag-Team Champion(4) w/ Keith Hart (80)
- Calgary Stampede North American Heavyweight Champion(3) (80 - 81)
- Calgary Stampede North American Heavyweight Champion(4) (6/26/82 - 9/3/82)
- Calgary Stampede North American Heavyweight Champion(5) (10/17/82 - 1/14/83)
- Calgary Stampede International Tag-Team Champion(5) w/ Leo Burke (11/19/82 - 12/8/82)
- Calgary Stampede North American Heavyweight Champion(6) (5/3/83 - 6/83)
- WWF World Tag-Team Champion w/ Jim Neidhart (1/26/87 - 10/27/87)
- WWF World Tag-Team Champion(2) w/ Jim Neidhart (8/27/90 - 3/24/91)
- WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion (8/26/91 - 1/17/92)
- WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion(2) (4/5/92 - 8/29/92)
- WWF World Heavyweight Champion (10/12/92 - 4/4/93)
- WWF World Heavyweight Champion(2) (3/20/94 - 11/23/94)
- WWF World Heavyweight Champion(3) (11/19/95 - 3/31/96)
- WWF World Heavyweight Champion(4) (2/16/97 - 2/17/97)
- WWF World Heavyweight Champion(5) (8/3/97 - 11/9/97)
- WCW United States Heavyweight Champion (7/20/98 - 8/10/9
- WCW United States Heavyweight Champion(2) (8/13/98 - 10/26/9
- WCW United States Heavyweight Champion(3) (11/30/98 - 2/08/99)
- WCW United States Heavyweight Champion(4) (10/25/99 - 11/01/99)
- WCW World Heavyweight Champion (11/21/99 - 12/19/99)
- WCW Tag-Team Champion w/Bill Goldberg (12/07/99 - 12/13/99)
- WCW World Heavyweight Champion(2) (12/20/99 - 1/16/00)

PWI pasiekimai:

- 1987 Tag-Team of the Year, 1st Runner-Up (The Hart Foundation)
- 1990 Match of the Year, 3rd Runner-Up (Royal Rumble)
- 1991 Match of the Year, 1st Runner-Up (Hart vs. Mr. Perfect)
- 1991 Wrestler of the Year, 2nd Runner-Up
- 1992 Match of the Year (Hart vs. the British Bulldog)
- 1992 Wrestler of the Year, 3rd Runner-Up
- 1993 Most Popular Wrestler, 2nd Runner-Up
- 1993 Feud of the Year (Hart vs. Jerry Lawler)
- 1993 Wrestler of the Year, 1st Runner-Up
- 1994 Most Inspirational Wrestler
- 1994 Most Popular Wrestler, 1st Runner-Up
- 1994 Feud of the Year (Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart)
- 1994 Wrestler of the Year, 1st Runner-Up
- 1996 Match of the Year (Hart vs. Shawn Michaels)
- 1996 Wrestling Observer Hall of Fame Inductee
- 1997 Comeback of the Year
- 1997 Most Hated Wrestler
- 1997 Feud of the Year, 1st Runner-Up (Hart vs. Steve Austin)
- 1997 Match of the Year (Hart vs. Steve Austin)
- 1998 Most Hated Wrestler, 3rd Runner-Up
- 1998 Feud of the Year, 1st Runner-Up (nWo Hollywood vs. nWo Wolfpac)
- 1999 Most Inspirational Wrestler, 1st Runner-Up
- 2003 Stanley Weston Award


Carlito Caribbean Cool

TIkras vardas:Carlos Colon, Jr
Ūgis: 1.77m
GImes:21,Vasario 1979
Hometown:Santurce, Puerto Rico,Relocated to Lousiville, KY,Miami,Florida
Treniruotas:Carlos Colon Sr. (jo tevo)
Profesionalo debiutas:1999m
Nick'ai: Carly Colon, Carlos Colon Jr., Carly Columbus, Carlito Caribbean Cool, Carlito, "Caribbean Cool" Carlito
Signature/Finishing Moves:The Cool-Breaker,Figure Four Leglock,DDT,Neckbreaker,Spinebuster
Buves manageris:Kenny Bolin
Titulai:1-Karta WWE Intercontinental Champion
1-Karta WWE United States Champion
10-Karta WWC Universal Heavyweight Champion
2-Karta WWC World Tag-Team Champion (su Eddie Colon ir su Konnan)


Tikras vardas:Allen Jones
Gimtadienis:Liepos 2, 1978
Namai:Gainesville, GA
Ūgis: 1.77cm
Svoris: 91kg
Treniruotas:NCW Training School,Rick Michaels
Nick'as:Air Style
Lygos:NWA,TNA(su TNA lyga pasirase kontrakta iki 2008m)
AJ Styles Finishing moves:The Styles Clash,Super Styles Clash,The Spiral Tap
Titulai:National Wrestling Alliance
3-Kartus NWA World Heavyweight Champion
2-Kartus NWA World Tag Team Champion (1-karta su Jerry Lynn, 1-karta su Abyss)
Total Nonstop Action,NWA Wildside,National Championship Wrestling,Ring of Honor,Independent Professional Wrestling,World Wrestling Allstars,All Access Wrestling,International Wrestling Association - Mid South,Border City Wrestling,Christian Wrestling Federation,International Wrestling Cartel,Maximum Pro Wrestling,Independent Wrestling Revolution,Ballpark Brawl,Pro Wrestling GuerillaExtreme Texas Wrestling,All Access Wrestling,Midwest Pro Wrestling,


    nMo Legend

  • nMo Hall of Fame
  • Pranešimai: 1908
Dar karta prasau, kad nedetumete nelietuvisku aprasymu :D


    Žalias diržas

  • nMo nariai
  • Pranešimai: 738
Kenta Kobashi
Ugis : 1.80cm
Svoris : 120kg
Tikras Vardas : Kenta Kobashi
Gimimo data : 3/27/67
Gimtine : Fukuchiyama, Japan,
Kiti vardai : KENTA(NOAH)
Wrestlinti pradejo : 1988metais
Firminiai judesiai : Burning Hammer, Orange Crush
PWI 500 Reitingai : #8(2003), #4(2000), #24(1999), #6(1998), #15(1997), #4(1996), #64(1995), #37(1994), #69(1993)
All Asia Tag-Team Champion w/ Tiger Mask II (4/09/90 - 5/17/90)
All Asia Tag-Team Champion(2) w/ Johnny Ace (9/07/90 - 4/06/91)
All Asia Tag-Team Champion(3) w/ Johnny Ace (7/08/91 - 7/18/91)
All Asia Tag-Team Champion(4) w/ Tsuyoshi Kikuchi (5/25/92 - 6/02/93)
AJPW World Tag-Team Champion w/ Mitsu Misawa (12/03/93 - 11/94)
AJPW World Tag-Team Champion(2) w/ Mitsu Misawa (12/10/93 - 6/09/95)
AJPW Unified Triple Crown Heavyweight Champion (7/24/96 - 1/20/97)
AJPW World Tag-Team Champion(3) w/ Johnny Ace (5/27/97 - 7/25/97)
AJPW World Tag-Team Champion(4) w/ Johnny Ace (10/04/97 - 1/25/98)
AJPW Unified Triple Crown Heavyweight Champion(2) (6/12/98 - 10/31/98)
AJPW World Tag-Team Champion(5) w/ Jun Akiyama (1/07/99 - 6/09/99)
AJPW World Tag-Team Champion(6) w/ Jun Akiyama (10/23/99 - 2/20/00)
AJPW Unified Triple Crown Heavyweight Champion(3) (2/27/00 - 6/00)
NOAH Global Honor Crown Heavyweight Champion (3/01/03 - 3/05/05)
NOAH Global Honor Crown Tag-Team Champion w/ Tamon Honda (6/06/03 - 11/30/03)

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