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Jack Brisco RIP

Temoje atsakymų: 1



  • Administratoriai
  • 1929 Pranešimai:
  • Miestas:Twin Peaks, Netherealm


On February 1, 2010, Brisco died at the age of 68 after complications from open heart surgery.

-- WWE acknowledged Jack Brisco's death on Monday evening before Raw with a brief corporate statement. WWE then aired a video package on Brisco and two "In Memory" messages during the broadcast.

WWE's statement: "World Wrestling Entertainment has been made aware of the passing of WWE Hall of Famer Jack Brisco. The WWE extends its deepest condolences to the Brisco family. Mr. Brisco was under contract with WWE from 1984 to 1985 and was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2008. Jack Brisco was one of the most decorated performers in sports entertainment history, and a bona fide legend in Florida and the southeastern United States."

-- Many wrestlers or wrestling personalities posted brief thoughts on Twitter about Brisco's death. The following are some of the highlights.

Ted DiBiase, Sr.: "Wrestling lost another true legend today (Monday). Jack Brisco died today. He was absolutely one of the best ever, and he was simply a great guy."

JBL: "Very sorry to hear about my dear friend and wrestling legend Jack Brisco passing away-I was proud to induct Brisco Brothers into H.O.F."

Jim Ross: "WWE's tribute to my late friend Jack Brisco reduced me to tears tonite. ... This morning's passing of the amazing Jack Brisco hit me hard. Talked to brother Gerald. Another service 2 attend."

Howard Finkel: "I'm saddened by the passing of the great Jack Brisco. He was a consummate performer in every sense of the word!"

Percy Pringle (Paul Bearer): "RIP - Jack Brisco, my friend. A Champion's Champion."

Lilian Garcia: "RIP Jack Brisco. So sad to hear about his passing today. Thoughts & prayers r w his brother Gerald & entire family & friends. Great wrestler"

Steve Keirn (FCW in Tampa): "R.I.P. Jack Brisco. Our deepest condolences go out to his family and friends during this time."

Ring of Honor: "ROH sends its condolences to the family of wrestling legend Jack Brisco who passed away this morning. A champion in the ring and in life."

-- Local media in Tampa, Fla. and some national media outlets covered Brisco's death with quotes from his brother, Jerry Brisco, and other wrestlers.




    ★ BILL 2 : 1 BROCK ★

  • Administratoriai
  • 7331 Pranešimai:
Nemalonu, kad uzdejai gyvo Jerry Brisco, o ne Jack Brisco nuotrauka :)
Nors ir nesidomejau giliai to laikotarpiu, t.y. 70-aisiais, bet istirkuju pasauli paliko idomus zmogus - sekmingesnis ir talentingesnis is Brisco broliu. Kaip galejote pastebeti forume, buvau vienu metu susidomejes hookeriais is XX amziaus pradzios kaip Frank Gotch - Jack buvo, galima sakyti, jau is modernesnes PW eros, kuria nuo Gotch skyre desimtmeciai, bet, neziurint i tai, jis buvo vienas tu championu, kuris, jei prireiktu, galejo buti shooteriu. Tikras 1965 metu NCAA imtiniu championas, kuri jo eroje mazai kas (jei bendrai kasnors versle) galejo nugaleti tikrame matche - vertingas teritoriju laikotarpio championo bruozas, kuriam galima buvo patiketi NWA dirza, ir nebijoti, kad ji isdurs vienas ar kitas promoteris. Amzinas atilsis.

P.S. Pakeisiu nuotrauka.

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