Ka gi, the King turi problemu.
Si penktadieni Sams Town Memphis Pro Wrestlingo show metu, Lawleris ne karta trenke "The Big Cheese Sal Corrente'ui, uz tai kad jis pakele ranka pries wrestlingo fana. Liudininkai sako, kad Corrente'as to nedare.
p.s. Lawleris smugiuodamas sake: You stupid mother f**ker, don't you ever hit a fan.
Temoje atsakymų: 16
2007-06-21, 19:27
Lawlerio komentaras (trumpa santrauka: viskas worked, ir as nesuprantu, kodel kazkas kalba apie skundus, nes ash ji trenkiau matcho metu, jej uzh kiekviena toki karta mane teistu - ash jau buchiau nuteistas myriop):
"Regarding the complaint, this has got to be joke!
I have not had anything official served to me as yet. I first heard about this from a friend who called that he heard it on TV.
He explained that the TV report said that Sal Corrente, who is the Big Cheese on our show, got in touch with Tunica, Mississippi Police filed assault and battery charges, claiming I hit him too hard during a wrestling match!
This has got to be a joke. If I got arrested every time I hit a wrestler or manager during a wrestling show, I would be on death row by now!
Koko Ware was on the show and he hit him a lot more times than I did. Maybe Koko will now become the official Birdman of Alcatraz!
You know Bill, I am just shocked that the authorities, the law enforcement authorities in the great State of Mississippi are so gullible that they are letting themselves get sucked in by this guys obvious publicity stunt.
Who ever heard of one wrestler having another arrested after a match at a wrestling show?"
"Regarding the complaint, this has got to be joke!
I have not had anything official served to me as yet. I first heard about this from a friend who called that he heard it on TV.
He explained that the TV report said that Sal Corrente, who is the Big Cheese on our show, got in touch with Tunica, Mississippi Police filed assault and battery charges, claiming I hit him too hard during a wrestling match!
This has got to be a joke. If I got arrested every time I hit a wrestler or manager during a wrestling show, I would be on death row by now!
Koko Ware was on the show and he hit him a lot more times than I did. Maybe Koko will now become the official Birdman of Alcatraz!
You know Bill, I am just shocked that the authorities, the law enforcement authorities in the great State of Mississippi are so gullible that they are letting themselves get sucked in by this guys obvious publicity stunt.
Who ever heard of one wrestler having another arrested after a match at a wrestling show?"
2007-06-23, 13:42
Na atrodo, kad Lawleris i viska per paprastai ziuri.
Kas gali atrodyti, kaip jis sako, worked, is tikro nera - todel, kad jis nebuvo visishkai subookintas, ir atejo on his own.
Teismo data yra Rugpjuchio 1, taciau yra kol kas teisiniu problemu su klatinimu pateikimu, todel data gali keistis.
Kas gali atrodyti, kaip jis sako, worked, is tikro nera - todel, kad jis nebuvo visishkai subookintas, ir atejo on his own.
Teismo data yra Rugpjuchio 1, taciau yra kol kas teisiniu problemu su klatinimu pateikimu, todel data gali keistis.
2007-07-26, 19:30
ka gi, pasirode Sal Corrente viesas pareishkimas, kuriame is esmes jis sako, kad Lawleris tycia ji "atkale".
Jis isveda ir idomia tendencija, kad neva Lawleris panashiu bedu turejo ir su Heyman ir su Jimmy Hart (na kad aceit per nesusipratima padauzhe/trinktelejo juos/jiems). Ishvedama tokia tendencija: Lawleris pamosuoja ranka tiems, kurie yra non-wretleriai ir negali apsiginti, taciau mic'o skilus turi geresnius. Pabaigai jis juokais pataria pasisaugoti Queen Sharmell.
Jis isveda ir idomia tendencija, kad neva Lawleris panashiu bedu turejo ir su Heyman ir su Jimmy Hart (na kad aceit per nesusipratima padauzhe/trinktelejo juos/jiems). Ishvedama tokia tendencija: Lawleris pamosuoja ranka tiems, kurie yra non-wretleriai ir negali apsiginti, taciau mic'o skilus turi geresnius. Pabaigai jis juokais pataria pasisaugoti Queen Sharmell.
2007-07-26, 21:17
Na cia naujienu puslapis, todel cia gali pamatyt ir mano daugiau postu.
Situacija zymiai sudetingesne nei parasei (kad galetume tiesiog imt ir pasakyt "neimanoma kad isgalvotu kazkas jog Corrente'as trenke fanui"), taciau manau pakankamai aiskiai isdestyta visame topic'e.
Situacija zymiai sudetingesne nei parasei (kad galetume tiesiog imt ir pasakyt "neimanoma kad isgalvotu kazkas jog Corrente'as trenke fanui"), taciau manau pakankamai aiskiai isdestyta visame topic'e.
2007-07-27, 07:49
Justas, Jul 26 2007, 09:48 PM, pasakė:
Taciau trumpai bet aiskiai.
Justas, Jul 26 2007, 09:48 PM, pasakė:
Nemanau kad Corrente'as labai sakosis,vistiek kiek suprantu jis yra Jerry'io employee
Justas, Jul 26 2007, 09:48 PM, pasakė:
o tai pala,naujienosi negalima naudotis EDIT funkcija?
Pokalbis sia tema baigtas, tolesnis jo pletojimas is tavo puses laukiamas nebent su warn'u rankose;)
Impaler, Jul 26 2007, 11:45 PM, pasakė:
tai kad pritrauktu demesi genijau tu ir ishkeltu tema y virshu
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