Sveiki atvykę į - seniausią pro-wrestling'o forumą Lietuvoje!
Šis forumas yra skirtas PW (profesionaliųjų imtynių) ir MMA (mišriųjų kovos menų) diskusijoms. Čia Jūs rasite naujienas iš WWE, TNA, UFC ir kitų organizacijų, naujausius rezultatus, įvairias nuotraukas, wrestler'ių biografijas, sporto totalizatorius, daug naudingų straipsnių ir, žinoma, bendraminčių, su kuriais galėsite bendrauti ir dalintis nuomonėmis. Taip pat, čia rasite įvairių failų - nuo dainų iki šviežiausių PW match'ų bei MMA kovų. New Maniacs Order - su Jumis nuo 2005 metų!
Jei esate nMo narys, tai prisijunkite čia, o jei ne, tada užsiregistruokite mūsų forume!
2010-03-13, 22:46
Pirmajam postui mano nuotaika gerokai pakeles Steve Austin tweet'as:
"just heard the condemned is on usa right now. im still surprised i didnt get an oscar for my performance as jack conrad. politics."
2010-03-14, 02:04
Mano nuomone pats juokingiausias matchas istorijoj, geriausi spotai, tai iskritimas per top rope ir tas dalykas ka jis padaro video pabaigoj po Hogano spyrio.
1. Hulk Hogan netaps TNA world champu
2. David Arquette netaps grand slam champu
3. Chris Masters netaps NPJW world champu
4. CM Punk prades gert Coca-Cola
5. Shawn Michaels grys i pro-wrestling'a
6. Triple H surinks daugiau world title reign'u nei Ric Flair
And I mean it
2010-03-14, 08:11
Imkit ir turėkit
nMo - Where peace happens. :D
2010-03-14, 13:42
Aisku Steiner realioje kovoje Goldberg'a suvartytu i vienus vartus, ypac jei kalbam apie 2000 metus.. Deja, pilnai tikiu, kad Goldbergas galejo taip pasakyti - zmogus mane, kad ir Jericho yra nepavojinga persona, kol 2003 metais nebuvo ramiai surankintas i front-face-lock uzkulisiuose:)
Goldbego atsakymas: "Gotta say I've never read something so stupid in my life...."
2010-03-18, 18:37
Video kaip per tiesiogini WWE interneto show TNA fanai skambinejair Todd Grisham'as stebetinai gerai susitvarko su tuo.
1. Hulk Hogan netaps TNA world champu
2. David Arquette netaps grand slam champu
3. Chris Masters netaps NPJW world champu
4. CM Punk prades gert Coca-Cola
5. Shawn Michaels grys i pro-wrestling'a
6. Triple H surinks daugiau world title reign'u nei Ric Flair
And I mean it
2010-04-07, 07:55
1. morning workout-ran to the ocean, swam 14 miles. got bit by a 17 foot shark so i gave him a stunner and pulled his teeth out. yes i am ok.
2. sitting in my back yard wearing my new shark skin jacket and loafers while grilling a shark steak. crown royal goes great with shark. cheers
3. bad news-game warden came to my house with the police-i didnt have my fishing license...gonna jump in the Bronco and make a run for it...
4. Hey some of us have been to work,have shark free day.
5. Just spilled some beer on my brand new shark skin jacket between sets at the gym. It's AMAZING how thirsty u get when working out....
6. Watch out for sharks. I here they are bad in ur neck of the woods.
7. Note to self-next time you make a shark skin jacket-remove the dorsal fin on the back. Very hard to sit back with the fin in the way.
8. wow this shark skin jacket is making me do strange things...i just bit the mail mans leg off....
9. ladies and gentleman i have safely put my shark skin jacket in a glass case... to be broken only in the case of emergency. what a day...
2010-04-07, 16:07
Fortaz, 2010-04-07, 08:55, pasakė:
1. morning workout-ran to the ocean, swam 14 miles. got bit by a 17 foot shark so i gave him a stunner and pulled his teeth out. yes i am ok.
2. sitting in my back yard wearing my new shark skin jacket and loafers while grilling a shark steak. crown royal goes great with shark. cheers
3. bad news-game warden came to my house with the police-i didnt have my fishing license...gonna jump in the Bronco and make a run for it...
4. Hey some of us have been to work,have shark free day.
5. Just spilled some beer on my brand new shark skin jacket between sets at the gym. It's AMAZING how thirsty u get when working out....
6. Watch out for sharks. I here they are bad in ur neck of the woods.
7. Note to self-next time you make a shark skin jacket-remove the dorsal fin on the back. Very hard to sit back with the fin in the way.
8. wow this shark skin jacket is making me do strange things...i just bit the mail mans leg off....
9. ladies and gentleman i have safely put my shark skin jacket in a glass case... to be broken only in the case of emergency. what a day...
Tai va iš kur Shark Boy atsirado. Visada tikėjau, kad po ryklio kostiumu slėpėsi Stone Cold!
Čia radau linskmų:
What do you call any HHH match?
What did John Cena tell the Japanese Chef?
You can't Sashimi!
What did D'Von tell Bubba when they were working at McDonalds?
Oh Bubba, test the fries!
Why is unemployment so high in the US?
Because Nunzio and Funaki do all the jobs
What did CM Punk tell Adam Copeland when he tried to feel him up?
I'm straight, Edge.
How many Vince McMahons does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
None. Lightbulb screwed lightbulb.
Why was Ultimate Warrior fired from the pet shop?
He couldn't sell Pedigree.
What did Kevin Nash say when he crashed his ATV?
Arrgh, my quad!
What did Hulk Hogan ask in Arts and Crafts class?
Whatcha you gonna glue, brother?
Why can't Chris Benoit go to the gas station?
Because he always carries matches.
Source: ČIA
2010-04-12, 09:00
Lietuva ne pirma kart puikiai tinkama norint padaryt pavyzdi apie kazkokia atsilikusia nezinoma sali
1. Hulk Hogan netaps TNA world champu
2. David Arquette netaps grand slam champu
3. Chris Masters netaps NPJW world champu
4. CM Punk prades gert Coca-Cola
5. Shawn Michaels grys i pro-wrestling'a
6. Triple H surinks daugiau world title reign'u nei Ric Flair
And I mean it
2010-04-14, 22:05
1. "just got through running 6 miles on the streets of LA for cardio. cop pulled me over for 30 mph in a 20 mph zone. didnt know i was that fast"
2. "yeah he gave me a ticket for speeding and running a stop sign...i am going to contest it in court though."
3. i pasiulyma "shouldve gave him a stunner" atsakymas: "too many witnesses..."
2010-04-23, 07:45
"youre not gonna believe what just happened to im out in the ocean with my spear gun...i already have 5 trout and i see this huge Mako Shark!!! he is huge...probably 22 feet long at least...teeth as sharp as razor blades...spear is right on target and at the last moment he moves!!! my spear goes right into the hull of a speed boat!! the shark was so big i didnt see the boat behind him...the boat takes off... i cant get my hand out of the being dragged through the water at 60 mph!!! if i dont do something fast im gonna die...this is bad. as im being dragged through the water i notice boards and debris in the water as i am hopelessly running out of air...i grab a board... im only gonna get one shot at this so i give it everything i have...i put the six foot board in front of me and put my feet onto it... it worked!!! i was skiing on top of the water on a board now going 86 mph...i cant get the drivers attention...he is hauling what? i am skiing at 86 mph with 5 trout on my stringer...i look back...holy shit!! its the 22 foot Mako Shark coming after me and he is pissed!! coming up fast is the Santa Monica pier...i see my chance...i ski over and out and cut toward the pier...this is gonna be hairy!!! here goes i hit a wave and jump 40 or 50 feet into the air...right over the i pass over the pier i grab the pistol right out of the security guards holster...just my luck...its a kimber .45 i turn to the shark..triple tap him between the eyes... he slows i turn back to the speed still flying through the air...i shoot 5 times at the line..i missed..finally i hit.. the free...i make a safe landing in the water...all the venice beach surfers cannot believe what has just happened....crazy... i ski onto the beach and start walking home...ive got fish to fry..."
2010-06-15, 21:32
Fortaz, 2010-03-13, 22:46, pasakė:
Pirmajam postui mano nuotaika gerokai pakeles Steve Austin tweet'as:
"just heard the condemned is on usa right now. im still surprised i didnt get an oscar for my performance as jack conrad. politics."
Nesenai atkreipiau dėmesį, kad SCSA turi twitteri ir paskaldo ten neblogų bajerių, pvz kad negalėjo užmigti, todėl davė sau Stunner'i ir miegojo 14 valandų kaip užmuštas
2011-02-01, 09:10
Vartotojų skaito šią temą: 6
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