NME Heat kovos
Lyncaz 2008-08-03
The Chain vs The Unknown
Xnitro vs Impact
The winner gets special advantage at Masters Of War match
Lumberjack match
Gerd Shlansteiger vs The Silencer
Winner goes to Masters of War for nMe Heawyweight championship
Luberjacks: Adolfas, Giunteris, St. Wallerio
Tag Team match
Impaler & The Chain vs Sick-Kyo-Extreme
Triple Threat elimination match for nMe Intercontinental championship
Scott Payne vs Bottom vs Marcus Jamison
Šį pranešimą redagavo Lyncaz: 2008-08-06, 22:57
PlutoniX 2008-08-03
Ne į temą | noriu padekoti kad perkelei kova i sios savaites heat'a (: labai dziaugiuosi del to.. |
Infest 2008-08-04
Puiku, puiku... Rodos po tiek zingsniu atgal, Marcus pagaliau zengs pirmyn
Kzkas 2008-08-05
Gaila, kad manes nera heat, bet tu pats sakei parasyk kalba parasiau sokia tokia ir vistiek ner heat juokinga. Galetum padaryt triple threat maca tarp manes The Chain ir The Unknown butu rematch