Eddie Guerrero mirtis
2005-11-13, 19:10
2005-11-13, 19:13
2005-11-13, 19:14
2005-11-13, 19:15
2005-11-13, 19:31
2005-11-13, 19:31
2005-11-13, 19:42
RIP Eddie.
P.S. priežastis manau širdies problemos - steroidai pribaigė nuo narkotikų išsekintą širdį.
2005-11-13, 19:56
Guerrero, 38, was found at the Marriott City Center in downtown Minneapolis. He was in town for Sunday night's "WWE Supershow" TV taping at Target Center.
Police were called to the hotel just after 7:30 a.m. and attempts were made to revive the wrestler, Minneapolis Police Department spokesperson Ron Reier said.
The Hennepin County Medical Examiner was at the hotel. Additional information on Guerrero's death was not immediately available.
Guerrero was a featured star on the UPN series "WWE Smackdown!" and the subject of a full-length DVD titled "Cheating Death, Stealing Life."
Son of legendary Mexican wrestler Gory Guerrero, Eddie Guerrero has also wrestled with World Championship Wrestling and Extreme Championship Wrestling, among other federations. His nephew, Chavo Guerrero, Jr., also wrestles with WWE.
Guerrero grew up in El Paso, Texas. He was married with two children.
Stay with WCCO.COM for more information as it becomes available.
wa kiek kolkas paaiskejo...
#9 Guest_putupas_*
2005-11-13, 20:04
koltasXxX pasakė:
2005-11-13, 20:10
2005-11-13, 20:15
Eddie had breakfast this morning with his brother Chavo Guerrero and at least one more wrestler. Afterwards, Eddie returned to his hotel room. When Eddie hadn't come out of his hotel room in the expected amount of time, friends went looking for him and they found him dead in his hotel room. The police were quickly called at around 7:30 a.m. local time. Attempts were made to revive him, but they couldn't summon Eddie back to life.
dar biski detaliu.. manau supranta cia wisi angliskai
2005-11-13, 21:06
2005-11-13, 21:12
Ash shiaip iki shiol apakes, retaj labaj mirshta tokio ryshkumo zhvajgzhdes... O ypach tokio gerumo wrestleriai... Kaj, tuo labiau, kaip XEUS sake, tokie shudpizdzhiai kaip Hoganas vis dar tamposi...
O ypach kaj Eddie turejo saga del HW dirzho... Ir atrodo turejo shianakt ji gawt, Supershaw'e kuriame bus filmuojamas ir RAW ir SD, nes Batista turi gi trauma...
Aishq kvajla spelioti, bet itariu kad mirtis yra ish esmes nusekinta shirdis, kuri neatlajke kazhkokios ishskirtinai svarbios zhinios. Nenustebchiau jej taj butu susije su tuo pachiu HW title.
Tikraj labaj gajla..
2005-11-13, 21:24
Vonioje ant grindu jis gulejo su dantu shepetuku, nes, savajme suprantama, valesi dantis.
Priesh ishneshant jo kuna, su juo atejo acisvejkint Benoit, Chavo, Rey ir Dean Malenko.
Visi ish WWE pasimete ir nusimine, 'SuperShow' filmavime niekas nebus priverstas filmuotis jej nenores.
Bus atiduota pagarba ir Raw ir SD filmavimu metu.
WWE.com netrukus turi ideti Pres Konferencijos irasha, kuria surenge Chavo ir Vince
2005-11-13, 21:45
#16 Guest_DeadeR_*
2005-11-13, 21:50
#17 Guest_Raiden_*
2005-11-13, 22:31
2005-11-14, 01:16
2005-11-14, 01:19
XEUS pasakė:
2005-11-14, 01:22
Manau XEUS mintis tokia, kad tavo paskutinis sakinys zhymiai labiau tajkytinis buvo del Eddie, o ne del tokiu kaip Hogan.
2005-11-14, 01:32
Fortaz pasakė:
Manau XEUS mintis tokia, kad tavo paskutinis sakinys zhymiai labiau tajkytinis buvo del Eddie, o ne del tokiu kaip Hogan.
2005-11-14, 02:17
2005-11-14, 09:48
Eddie was indeed slated to win the title from Batista on this week's Smackdown show. A tragic loss regardless the timing seems almost cruel.
2005-11-14, 13:29
2005-11-14, 15:04
Rest In Peace, Šeip gaila geras wrestleris buvo, pradėjo sektis gyvenime, ir štai... Žodžiu we will miss you...
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