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Naujausia TNA nesamone!

Temoje atsakymų: 4

#1 Walleris


  • Administratoriai
  • 1638 Pranešimai:
  • Miestas:London

2009-02-01, 00:31

Stai, tiesiai is, kadangi naujienose dar nepaskelbta:


Former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich offered job as Chairman of TNA Wrestling’s Main Event Mafia

TNA Wrestling is offering the newly created position of Chairman for its Main Event Mafia faction - and the opportunity to openly sell chairs, steel chairs - to ousted Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich.

TNA officials confirmed today that Blagojevich, who was impeached by the Illinois House of Representatives on January 29, is being offered the “Chairman” job within its Main Event Mafia faction, an elite unit which includes U.S. Olympic Gold Medal winner Kurt Angle, former World Heavyweight Champions Kevin Nash, Booker T., and Scott Steiner, and reigning TNA Wrestling World Heavyweight Champion Sting.

Blagojevich was arrested on criminal charges on December 9, 2008, for conspiring to sell the senate seat vacated by then-President Elect Barack Obama to the highest bidder, but Angle truly believes in the U.S. justice system.

“He’s innocent until proven guilty,” Angle said. “As the leader of the Main Event Mafia, I am a huge fan of the Illinois style of politics. As such, Governor Blagojevich is welcome to join me and the entire Main Event Mafia at any and all TNA events in the future, and certainly is welcome to sell his seat with us should he choose not to accept our generous offer.”

Blagojevich is a former amateur boxer, so Angle is convinced Blagojevich, “easily will be able to handle the transition to pro wrestling,” Angle said.

The Illinois House of Representatives voted in favor of impeachment by an astounding margin of 114-1. Only 60 votes were needed to push the impeachment forward. The single dissenting vote came from Democratic State Representative Milton Patterson, who represents the Southwest side of Chicago.

NO COMMENTS!!! NO FCKN' COMMENTS!!! KAS CIA PO VELNIU?!!! Tikiuosi, jus turesit ka pasakyt, nes as esu freakin' speachless. Tie, kas nezino sio asmens, tai stai:

#2 Fortaz


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  • 6163 Pranešimai:

2009-02-01, 00:44

O nemanai, kad jis bus toks pats, kaip Sara Pailin (nzn kaip rasosi) - ne kokia kopija ir tiek..


#3 Walleris


  • Administratoriai
  • 1638 Pranešimai:
  • Miestas:London

2009-02-01, 00:56

Rodyti pranešimąFortaz, 2009-02-01, 00:44, pasakė:

O nemanai, kad jis bus toks pats, kaip Sara Pailin (nzn kaip rasosi) - ne kokia kopija ir tiek..
Nelaikyk manes bukagalviu, apie tai pirmiausia ir pagalvojau, taciau net jei taip ir bus - WTF??? Negi jie nemate, kaip absoliuti dauguma pyle suda ant tu segmentu? Net kazkada buvo apklausa, "kas jums is sio iMPACT! patiko labiausiai". Palin segmentas surinko maziausiai balsu ir ka jie dare? Tese ta segmenta menesi. Tai jei jie daro tokia pacia parodija (tik zinoma su MEM, kas reikstu daugiau TV eterio ir didesni hype'a), tai kas jiem galvoj isvis dedasi? Negi jie mano "Palin's crap was succesful, so let's do this again!". As dar ju tokio lygio pusprociais nelaikau, tai nemanau, kad jie darytu kopija. Reiskia, turetu but kazkas kitko. Gal tas senatorius bus tikras? Nezinau ir man nerupi, nes kad ir is kurio kampo paziuretum, si ideja atrodo kaip sudas, tikrai nuosirdziai neisivaizduoju, kuria prasme tai yra gera ideja ir jei kas supranta, prasau man paaiskint.

#4 Valhalas

    Mėlynas diržas

  • nMo nariai
  • 980 Pranešimai:

2009-02-01, 09:52

Gal pristigo bukų ir neįdomių storyline idėjų ar šiaip Russo visas ME Mafia dalykas atsibodo ir nori sumaišyti jį su žemėmis... ;)

#5 Fortaz


  • Administratoriai
  • 6163 Pranešimai:

2009-02-01, 10:29

"As dar ju tokio lygio pusprociais nelaikau, tai nemanau, kad jie darytu kopija."

Na Primusas tikejo, kad jie nedurni, ir Danielso po kauke nekis, tu dbr situo tiki..
Nepamirsk, kad TNA - nuvylimu aparatas ;)


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